Ballarò is an Italian television talk show hosted by the Italian journalist Giovanni Floris and is broadcast on Rai 3 since 2002. Regular guests include the comedian Maurizio Crozza.
Its name is taken from Ballarò, a famous public market of Palermo.
TGR is the brand for Italian state-owned TV channel Rai Tre's local news programmes. They are shown domestically on Rai Tre. It was launched in 1979 as TG3 Regione, and was known as Rai Regione from 1987-1992 before adopting the current TGR name from 1992-1999 and again from 2002 onwards.
TG3 is the brand for Italian state-owned TV channel Rai Tre's news programmes. They are shown domestically on Rai Tre and across the Europe on Rai News 24 and the world on Raitalia several times throughout the day. The evening edition is also show on Rai Med with Arabic dubbing. The editor-in-chief of the show is Bianca Berlinguer. It was launched in 1979, and was named T3 from 1999-2000.