Idool is the Belgian version of the Idol series. The series was launched in late 2002 by Belgian television network VTM. The contestants are first narrowed down to 100 contestants, and then down to 30-50 through several auditions and tests by a panel of judges. From this point on, the viewers decide who are in and who are out, and the judges limit themselves to commenting. TV viewers being what they are, the votes are based not solely on the singers vocal performance, but also on his or her looks, clothes, entertainment value, and other factors.
Dutch version of the reality game show where teams of two LEGO enthusiasts go head-to-head, with infinite possibilities and an unlimited supply of LEGO bricks.
On March 22nd 2016, the senior students of a secondary school in Belgium were meant to leave for Rome, but never made it there due to a terrorist attack. Although they all get out of there alive, they now have to process this trauma.
A cordon seals off a section of Antwerp when a deadly virus threatens the city. People are left to their own devices which brings out the best but also the worst.