Significant Other follows two lonely neighbours who embark on a hesitant, obstacle-filled relationship after drastic life events bring them together. As this strange love story unfolds with wryly observed wit and warmth, could these deeply flawed individuals – both at a time in their lives when change is difficult and rarely expected – influence each other for the better?
Alan Carr and Daisy May Cooper lead teams in a word association challenge. Packed with laughs and wild guesses, teams compete through multiple rounds, culminating in a thrilling Jackpot final with a cash prize on the line.
Filmed in over 60 different locations this epic documentary series will draw on the most spellbinding and dramatic stories from all corners of the globe. It will reveal the ways all life is connected and how natural events affect animals.
Extreme E is an electric off-roading championship set to light up the world in 2021. But before the racing begins, the team needs a racing car. This is the story of its construction.
Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s hit series is stunningly re-imagined for its 50th anniversary, combining the original voice tracks with classic filmmaking techniques.
Shocking three-part true crime series exploring four tragic murders that went viral on the social media app, TIKTOK. Includes exclusive access to the police investigation & families.
This two-part documentary tells the extraordinary truth behind the rise and fall of former national treasure Rolf Harris using rare archive and exclusive testimony from those closest to the trial.
Eight unsuspecting bad boyfriends will be flown to a Greek island under the premise of filming a series about bromance in a hedonistic holiday mecca - but they’ll then get the shock of their lives when it is revealed what show they are really on.
Follows a group of chief execs and company bosses as they swap their power suits for overalls and go in disguise to work on their very own shop floors, to see what really goes on behind closed doors.
Follow the personal experience of the Queen, as she navigated the events that shaped the fortune of the royal family and the history of the United Kingdom over the decades of her reign.
Laura Whitmore takes on a series of highly-charged, controversial issues, which will see her using her journalism skills to reveal new insights on each.
Forensic pathologist and author Dr Richard Shepherd uncovers the truth behind horrific crimes as told through the victims' bodies to separate fact from fiction and ensure the truth always prevails.