Hanna–Barbera's World of Super Adventure is an American animated anthology wheel series that had an original half-hour broadcast run on both NBC's owned-and-operated stations and in broadcast syndication from 1980 to 1984 on Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings and weekdays in all. Packaged together and backed by Hanna-Barbera Productions, it was a re-run "package" combination of several different Hanna-Barbera action-adventure cartoon series that originally ran from 1966 to 1970. These cartoons consisted of Birdman and the Galaxy Trio, Space Ghost and Dino Boy, Fantastic Four, Moby Dick and the Mighty Mightor, Herculoids, Shazzan and Frankenstein, Jr. and The Impossibles.
In each of the four seasons it was aired, viewers could get a new show depending on their respective geographic location. Eventually, Hanna Barbera's World of Super Adventure went into syndication at that same time. Later in October 1992, the series was renamed to just "Super Adventures" and updated with a new intro and aired on Cartoon Netw
The Floppy Show is an American children's television series starring Duane Ellett, broadcast on NBC affiliate WHO-TV in Des Moines, Iowa from 1957 to 1987. Ellett created Floppy in early 1957 to help teach people how to take care of their pets on the TV show Pet Corner, before moving on to their own show.