Domingão do Faustão is a Brazilian talk show aired every Sunday since 1989. Produced by Rede Globo and hosted by Fausto Silva also known as Faustão, it features live music performances as well as special segments, such as the Dança dos Famosos and the more recent Dança no Gelo. It is one of the oldest and most famous Globo's television shows since its first broadcast in 1989.
Estação Globo premiered in December 2004 to celebrate Rede Globo's 40th anniversary.
The special program featured songs from the soundtracks of soap operas, performed by Globo's famous actors.
Luiz Ferré's Criadores e Criaturas' TV Colosso dog puppets also made a special appearance on this special singing "Eu Não Largo o Osso" sung by Paquitas, and written by Michael Sullivan and Paulo Massadas.
The sets were built by José Cláudio and the special was directed by Jorge Fernando.
Since then, it became a recurring show on Globo's schedule and is always hosted by popular singer Ivete Sangalo.
The starting point is the approach of the architect Clara, mother of Carol and Léo, and the engineer Miguel, recently separated and very close to his daughter Júlia. In addition to her children, Clara lives with her ex-husbands Fred and Paulo, her ex-stepdaughter Bia, her sister Nanda and her maid and nanny Salete. In Miguel's universe, in addition to his daughter, there are ex-wife Ruth, partner and brother-in-law Otávio and sister Lorena. Clara and Miguel will also have to live with the personal dramas of clients Teodoro and Ingrid: he has four children from previous relationships and no desire to become a father again; and she years younger and determined to have her first child.