TV Colosso was a Brazilian children's television series produced by Rede Globo, that began on April 19, 1993, and finished on January 3, 1997. The show utilized puppets, body puppets, remote-controlled animatronics and bluescreen puppets. It stars a group of working dogs in a TV station that struggle to put her TV shows on air.
The show presented "Jornal Colossal"; "Clip-Cão"; "Pedigree", a parody of Rede Globo's soap operas; "As Aventuras do Super-Cão"; "Olimpíadas de Cachorro"; "Acredite Se Puder" satirizing the Ripley's Believe It or Not! ; "ColosShow"; "Asfalto Quente"; "Aprendendo Prá Cachorro"; "CapaShow"; and others.
The show was created by Luiz Ferré, a graphic artist, who also created its characters; and directed by J. B. de Oliveira, famous for Rede Globo's hits No Limite and Big Brother Brasil. The puppets were created by Criadores e Criaturas, Ltda. and made by Roberto Dornelles from Grupo 100 Modos de Teatro de Bonecos.
It was a big hit on Brazil and worldwide, but
The adventures of a couple, Karin and Agnaldo, who discovers an hour for one that does not know why still together after so many years. But for some reason, they can not leave behind the life together. With relationship to the brink of collapse, the separation is spreading. The professional life of the couple is "contaminated". Elementary school teacher, Karin takes its crisis to work. Agnaldo, who is employed by an insurance broker also gets out anywhere. The two no longer make the most unceremoniously and always generate the most climão in front of anyone. The head of Karin, Cinira who has been married three times, is also a kind of sentimental counselor. Even more problematic, instead of helping, therefore contributes to total chaos. Friends also can not escape the "spirit" of the impending separation. Gilda and Delgado are in love, but the romance of the two hardly overshadows the couple's scandals.
A comprehensive portrait of Brazilian comedy through the years, showing its best comedians and remembering its most iconic characters, sketches, shows and movies.
Between the 1920s and 1980s, the plot narrates the trajectory of a Lebanese family focusing on the conflicted relationship of the twin brothers Omar and Yaqub.