Domingão do Faustão is a Brazilian talk show aired every Sunday since 1989. Produced by Rede Globo and hosted by Fausto Silva also known as Faustão, it features live music performances as well as special segments, such as the Dança dos Famosos and the more recent Dança no Gelo. It is one of the oldest and most famous Globo's television shows since its first broadcast in 1989.
When the Mayans predicted the end of times, almost two thousand years ago, they didn't care because they had yet so much time to enjoy. But the times have changed. And as the apocalyptic day comes, December 21st 2012, Katia embraces the prophecy and lives her life as the world is going to end. The character wants to enjoy the end of the world to do everything she ever wanted in life, but she never got to, including revenges, sexual and romantic fantasies. In her attempt of doing everything on her list of to-do's, she ends up meeting Ernani. And, together, they both try to live their lives as there's no tomorrow.