Children's animated series based on 2021's feature film Koati, that will celebrate diversity, the beauty of our natural environment and culture, all through Latino stories, created by Latinos for Latino families across the U.S., Latin America, and the world.
A docuseries that follows the cold-blooded homicide of a former cartel lawyer and high-level cooperator for the U.S. government, Juan Guerrero Chapa, and the subsequent investigation and trial.
The decade of the 1980s in Mexico is recreated in lush detail in this documentary that explores the evolution of a society that witnesses destruction and death with the 1985 earthquake and then rises with hope towards the end of the decade.
The definitive story of the Mexican soccer team's search for soccer glory. With never-before-seen footage, the series is told from the point of view of Mexico's players, their rivals, and their fans.
El Privilegio de Mandar was a successful Mexican political parody broadcast by Televisa on Canal de las Estrellas. It started as a sketch on another Televisa show, called La Parodia, that parodies political, social and cultural events happening in Mexico. High ratings kept the show running.
It was first broadcast on October 25, 2004, during La Parodia. Soon, the high success of the program encouraged the producers to separate it from the other show, so on January 3, 2005, it became an independent show.
Televisa broadcast what is considered the last episode of the series on July 9, 2006, just after the federal elections in Mexico. However, some of the actors who performed leading roles stated that in a few years, when political events have advanced, they will make a return to see how things are.