Straight Title Robot Anime is a CG anime that first aired on February 6, 2013 in Japan. The anime is created with the MikuMikuDance animation software, and is the first MMD-based program to air on TV.
Noel is the grandson of legendary Seeker Overdeath and dreams of surpassing his strength. But it turns out that Noel is nothing but a Talker, the weakest class of them all. Undeterred, he uses his silver tongue to gather allies, develop cunning strategies, and form the greatest clan around. Now, as the most notorious Talker, Noel will do whatever it takes to claim supremacy.
A crisis looms over Felicidad, a peaceful underworld where monsters are nurtured from seeds, harvested, and coexist with its inhabitants. How will the children stand up against this powerful enemy? A rebellion fantasy woven with friends and Seeds (Monsters) begins now.
To protect the ones he loves, and to become the strongest Farmagia, Ten, along with his fellow Farmagia and monsters, rises up against the Oración Seis!