Late Night Liars is a television game show on GSN that was under the Henson Alternative brand and premiered on June 10, 2010. It is hosted by Larry Miller, and stars several "celebrity" puppets created by The Jim Henson Company. Each episode has two human contestants trying to figure out which of the puppets are lying, and which are telling the truth. The show's finale aired on July 29, 2010 with no plans for a revival.
Dog Eat Dog is an American game show, which originally ran from June 17, 2002 to August 26, 2003. It is loosely based on the UK version of the show by the same name. It is hosted by Brooke Burns, and has contestants compete against each other in physical competitions, trivia, and other assorted games for a prize of $25,000.
Reruns of Dog Eat Dog currently air on the Game Show Network.
Cram is a game show that aired as an original series for GSN in 2003. The show featured two teams, each composed of two contestants. For 24 hours before taping, the contestants were sequestered in a warehouse, with the intent of staying awake and "cramming" various material such as trivia questions and jokes, which they would then answer on the show while attempting physical stunts in an attempt to stay awake. Graham Elwood was the host and Berglind Icey was the co-host.
Instant Recall is an American hidden camera, game show hosted by Wink Martindale. The series premiered on GSN on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 8:30 p.m., with a new episode airing each Thursday for eight weeks. The show features contestants who are placed in unusual situations and are filmed with a hidden camera. The contestants are then tested on what they just experienced to see how good their memories are. The more correct answers they provide, the more cash and prizes they win.
Instant Recall is the first game show hosted by Martindale since Debt aired on Lifetime from 1996 to 1998.
The American Bible Challenge is a Biblical-themed game show series created by Game Show Network. The series is hosted by American stand-up comedian and television personality Jeff Foxworthy.
The program's second season premiered on March 21, 2013, with Grammy Award-winner Kirk Franklin joining Foxworthy as co-host and announcer.
An All Hallows Eve presentation of GSN's Game Show Saturday Night broadcast on 28 October 2000. Elvira, the Queen of Halloween, gravely unearths the dead-before-arrival game show pilots Cop Out, The $10,000 Sweep, Twisters and The Riddlers for a bewitching programming trick.
Clad in her signature "little black dress," Elvira introduces each pilot and teases viewers with a trivia question before fading into the night. After each show, she mysteriously reappears to reveal the answer.
Extreme Dodgeball is an American Sports Entertainment television show that debuted on Game Show Network in 2004. It has also been shown in the UK on Challenge.
20Q is an American game show based on the online artificial intelligence and handheld computer game of the same name. Licensed to and produced by Endemol USA, it premiered on June 13, 2009 during Big Saturday Night airing on GSN, and is hosted by Cat Deeley of So You Think You Can Dance with the voice of the computer provided by Hal Sparks.
In Argentina, the name of the show is Flor de palabra; it is hosted by Florencia Pena and Richard Rubin of Beauty and the Geek.
In each episode of this 'Skin Wars' spinoff hosted by RuPaul Charles, three former 'Skin Wars' contestants give six artists from various backgrounds a crash course in body painting before guiding them through the challenges. After eliminations, the final two contestants take part in the final challenge, which requires them to utilize everything they've learned and complete a full-body masterpiece without help from their mentors. At the end of the episode, their works are critiqued by expert judges, who decide which artist walks away with the cash.
National Lampoon's Funny Money is a comedy game show that aired on GSN from June 15 to October 24, 2003. The show was hosted by stand-up comedian Jimmy Pardo, and Budd Friedman served as the announcer.
Three's a Crowd is an American game show originally packaged by Chuck Barris Productions. The first version aired in syndication from September 17, 1979 to February 1, 1980. The second version ran in 2000 on Game Show Network.
Sixteen of the greatest champions in game show history are set to square-off in this winner-take-all elimination tournament. Only one competitor will be crowned 'The best of the best' and walk away with the $100,000 Grand Prize. From Jeopardy's "Tournament of Champions" to Millionaire's elite, the most accomplished game players from the past two decades take center stage.
PlayMania is a live interactive game show on GSN, hosted by Mel Peachey, Shandi Finnessey, Jessica York, Angelle Tymon and Jeff Thisted. The two-hour program featured interactive games that the viewers could play to win cash prizes. On February 20, 2007, the show was replaced with two separate programs, quiznation and 100 Winners which were collectively known as the PlayMania Block.