Perfect Disaster was a one-hour American documentary television mini-series that premiered in 2006 on the Discovery Channel. The program depicted the worst-case scenario that major cities could expect in the near future if hit by extreme disaster. A large part of each episode was based around the lives of citizens from each city, with the remainder of the program showing us real-world scientists discussing the very high probabilities of these disasters.
Hustlers Gamblers Crooks features true stories of high-flying hustlers, gamblers and con artists, told by those who lived them. Structured like a Hollywood thriller, it is full of poignant moments. Cheer on these underdogs who risk everything to change their future.
Watch and enjoy as Mark Evans turns an old rust-bucket Range Rover rescued from the scrap-heap and transforms it into the ultimate boulder-crawling beauty! When complete, Mark reckons the vehicle will virtually be able to climb a vertical wall! The extreme 3.5 litre, V8 powered, R380 gearboxed off-roader, custom built from scratch by Mark, also boasts some serious off-road kit, including: an outrageous hi-lift suspension system; a hand-made, one-off roll-cage & a specially modified twin-tank fuel system.
Matt Wright prepares to begin his Africa XL challenge…. all alone. Will he find redemption after failing to complete 40 days in the Amazon and become savage?
Actor, comedian and retired Marine Rob Riggle is taking on a new mission: traveling the globe to unearth some of the world’s greatest legends and mysteries.
Former military intelligence officer Brett Hines and his wife make a decision to move their 7 children to a remote area of Washington state to become homesteaders. Raising Wild, reality series follows their adventures and misadventures of surviving in the wilderness.
Bushcraft is a survival television series hosted by Ray Mears. The series airs on the BBC in United Kingdom, it also shown on Discovery Channel in the United States, Canada, India, Italy, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Romania and Russia. Following on from Extreme Survival, Bushcraft was first shown in 2004, and ended in 2005.
Weed Country is an American reality documentary television series on the Discovery Channel. The series premiered on February 20, 2013 during Discovery's newest programming block titled Weed Wednesdays.
Game of Stones follows a team of gemologist around the world and gives you a behind the scenes look at where the gems and the jewlery that you wear comes from, how its made, hows it's bought, and the lengths these guys go through to get their hands on the finest gems on the planet.
Future Weapons, sometimes also written as FutureWeapons and Futureweapons, is a television series that premiered on April 19, 2006 on the Discovery Channel. Host Richard "Mack" Machowicz, a former Navy SEAL, reviews and demonstrates the latest modern weaponry and military technology. The program is currently broadcast on the Discovery Channel and Military Channel.
Crews are embedded with U.S. Customs agents uncover the hidden world of smuggling — from well-established cartel operations to wild party boats returning from the Caribbean.
The earth's history is filled with excitement: quakes, volcanoes, floods, valley-carving glaciers and lakes, and rising mountains. Fulcrum Productions and The Discovery Channel brings the explosive history of our planet to life in a a two hour special - AMAZING EARTH. From the heights of Mount Everest through the molten lava fields of Hawaii, we see a sweeping geological history of a planet whose tumultuous history continues just as violently today. Two years in the making, this ground-breaking documentary showcases the most catastrophic events and extinctions in our planet's 4.6 billion year history. Narrated by Patrick Stewart
The biggest stars of Street Outlaws go back to their roots in a new build and racing show. JJ, Ryan, Murder Nova, Kye, and Axman each build a car from the ground up, then meet up to put them to the test… against each other and then against the world.
“Beasts of the Bayou” follows Captain Blimp Cheramie, his first mate Eric, and his nephew Nathan through the marshes of Venice, Louisiana. They are on the hunt for legendary creatures that haunt the thousands of square miles of swampland around their homes. All the while scientists are seeking alternative explanations for the sightings and stories that have plagued this region for hundreds of years.
Blimp and his team will use all their hunting and tracking skills to uncover the truth. The scientists will rely on their theories and a lifetime of research to dispel the myths.
In the end, who will shed light on these timeless tales of beasts, creatures, demons, and monsters? It's book smarts versus swamp smarts on “Beasts of the Bayou”.