Oil Change is a Canadian documentary television series, following the Edmonton Oilers. Produced by Alberta's Aquila Productions, Oil Change features exclusive access inside the Edmonton Oilers organization through the 2010–11 NHL season and 2011–12 NHL season. Don Metz is the executive producer of the series, Gord Redel is the producer, and Scot Morison is the writer/story developer.
The first season aired on TSN. Season 2 premiered locally on CKEM-DT October 21, 2011. The national premiere was on Sportsnet October 23, 2011. The six-part series will air approximately once a month, until the end of the NHL regular season.
A behind-the-scenes look at the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Club, this documentary series provides a peek into the lives of players as well as insights from the front-office.
Off the Record with Michael Landsberg, a.k.a. Off the Record or OTR, is a Canadian sports talk show on TSN hosted by Michael Landsberg. Since the program debuted on TSN in 1997, it has become the longest-running sports talk show on Canadian television.
SportsCentre is a daily sports news television program, and the flagship program of the Canadian sports specialty channel TSN. The program airs several times daily on TSN, TSN2, and occasionally on sister broadcast network CTV.
That's Hockey is a Canadian television series on TSN which presents the latest news in hockey as well as panelists and interviews with hockey personalities. The current host is Gino Reda.