The ancient Silk Road, the trade center of the world, once ran through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. Ruben Terlou and Jelle Brandt Corstius explore the area in which the world has renewed interest due to its strategic location and enormous energy reserves.
From Moscow to Magadan is a documentary about a journey through Russia. Jelle Brandt Corstius speaks to Russian citizens during this journey to find answers about the Russian soul.
In the eight-part series Allah in Europe, Jan Leyers is looking for the face of Islam in Europe. Is there such a thing as a European, enlightened version of Islam growing and is that what Muslims themselves want?
From 1860 to 1978, twenty thousand girls with difficult childhoods were cared for in five homes in the Netherlands, the Monasteries of the Good Shepherd. Britta Hosman travels with Lies Vissers, Joke de Smit and R. Riet to the city and country to reconstruct what they and everyone else experienced during their youth.