The two-part documentary “Automania” unfolds the history of the automobile as a relationship between man and machine. The car: drug, technical wonder, object of desire. Like hardly any other machine, the car is more than that. It is loved, cherished and cared for, protected and used for self-expression. At the same time, it is a sign of economic prosperity: whoever drives a (certain) car has made something of himself. And what applies individually also applies to societies: The car creates jobs and prosperity. But the dream relationship that lasted for 100 years has fallen into crisis. The films tell in an entertaining, moody and emotional way about the rise of the car to become an icon of the West and suggest future prospects. The films combine factual informations with nostalgically colourful memories of eyewitnesses. In addition, there are statements by experts as well as politicians and business representatives.
In the two-part cultural documentary United Kingdom of Pop, Signed Media pays homage to Europe’s most innovative pop superpower and presents the main genres, their stars sand subcultures in the form of film essays. United Kingdom of Pop revisits the most important protagonists and contemporaries behind the crucial lines of development over the past decades, reviews them with experts and categorises them. In the course of this process, United Kingdom of Pop also follows up the most important political, cultural and economic events that are reflected in the country’s pop culture, and celebrates the open and multicultural spirit that has made British pop culture so great and so unique.
Life in Berlin in 1945 before, during and after the battle of Berlin seen through the eyes of those who were there at the time from common Berliners to Allied troops.
Going to the local market when we visit a foreign city is something we all love to do. More people visit them in one day than all the city's art museums put together. Markets attract us for their colours, smells, people, sounds and taste.