The Native Americans is a three-part American television documentary miniseries that premiered on TBS on October 10, 1994. The remaining two episodes aired on October 11 and 13, 1994. Directed by John Borden, Phil Lucas and George Burdeau, the six-hour series explores the history of Native American cultures, with each hour of the series devoted to a particular region of the United States.
Music for the series was composed by Robbie Robertson in collaboration with other Native American and Canadian First Nations musicians, including Ulali, Rita Coolidge, Douglas Spotted Eagle and Kashtin, and was released on the album Music for The Native Americans.
Separation Anxiety is a comedic, relationship-based game show featuring a unique twist that isn't revealed to contestants until after they've played the game.
Tush was an American late-night television sketch comedy and variety show developed for Bill Tush and directed by R. T. Williams. The show premiered on WTCG in the United States. A number of the stars including Jan Hooks, Terry Turner, Bonnie Turner went on to work for Saturday Night Live. The regular cast was Larry Larson, Ron Kirk, Iris Little-Roberts, Eddie Lee, Allison Biggers, Rob Cleveland, Bob Gillies, Ted Henning, Yetta Levitt.
Kid's Beat is a series of one-minute televised news segments that summarized topic such as sports, education and current events for children and pre-teens. The segments were broadcast in the United States on TBS from 1983 until the mid-1990s, between weekday afternoon children's animated cartoon programs. In 1997, Kid's Beat was replaced by Feed Your Mind, a TBS produced children's newsmagazine featuring stories reported by kids on a range of topics. Many were former hosts of Kid's Beat.