Kassai and Leuk is a children's television series by Marathon Media Group. This short-lived animation series was based on African stories. The three protagonists are the young man Kassai, his sidekick Leuk, a talking humanoid hare who knows the jungle well, and Princess Marana, who is cursed to transform into a gazelle during the day. In the series, Kassai goes on various quests to find the scattered parts of his tribe's patron goddess, Koorie, and tries to stop the plans of the evil god Toguum, who can possess people to do his bidding. The opening theme "Samba Et Leuk" is performed by the African musician Ismaël Lô.
Ozie Boo! is a French 3D animation television series for children aged 2–6 years that began in 2005. It is produced by Cyber Group Studios, a company based in Paris, France and in the US by PorchLight Entertainment. In France, the first season was broadcast on the Disney Channel and in Zouzous on France 5, and the second season on Canal J. The series is broadcast in about 80 countries. Ozie Boo! has also been released worldwide on VHS/DVD. Season 2 has been available in the USA since December 2005. Season 3 was broadcast in 2007. In Ireland the series started broadcasting in 2008 on kids channel Cula 4.