In "The Traitors France : New Generation," the original concept of the game, based on betrayals and the notion of loyalty, is revisited with an initial cast composed of personalities from the world of social media and digital content.
Relationship experts pair off ideal couples who then go on to get married upon their first ever meeting. After six weeks together they have to decide whether to stay married or get divorced.
Marc, a surgeon at a hospital, is murdered on December 31. When his ex-wife, best friend and a police lieutenant find themselves stuck in the same elevator, they emerge from it and realise they have moved a year back in time.
Victoire has just been transferred to a new high school in Angoulême. She becomes a senior education advisor and fits perfectly into her new professional environment.
Three months after her appointment, the class council arrives: it is already going very badly, as many are opposed to Victoire's methods of education. While in the middle of the council, a dispute between two girls and a boy takes place, Victoire has to face several dangers within the school: pornography, drugs and family problems.
But she is without the support of Valéria, her best friend, and Emma, her daughter.