Bread N' Butter is a business and travel show produced by DSR Multimedia Productions and airs on UNTV. The program describes itself as a show that would inspire Filipinos to discover their entrepreneurial sense. The program format is similar to a travel documentary where the main hosts venture and visit various kinds of business establishments. It also features solutions to business problems, which they claim to be helpful to the business-minded audience. It is currently hosted by Arlene Razon, Kitt Meily and Rodel Flordeliz and airs every Sunday on UNTV. The television show uses Taglish language as its means of communication.
Tapatan with Jay Sonza: Bayan, Ikaw ang Humatol was a highly open debate show in the Philippines. Hosted by Jay Sonza. It was aired on GMA Network from 1995 to 1998, the year the show would be replaced by Debate with Mare at Pare. The show later moved to Radio Philippines Network from 2000 to 2001. In 2004, the show moved once again to UNTV-37 when Jay Sonza moved to the station and became its station manager.
The show had a radio edition that had been to four radio stations in AM band. From DZBB, it moved to DZRH and later DZXL and DZIQ. The shows had 2 radio spin-offs, Tapatan with Jay and Deo together with Deo Macalma in DZRH and Tapatan with former ABS-CBN reporter Cecille Lardizabal in DZIQ.
The D’X-Man is a 30 minute expository-religious program emanating from the Philippines. It was conceptualized by Eli Soriano and Daniel Razon, Presiding and Vice Presiding Ministers of the Members Church of God International
On April 27, 2008, Mataro, who was the anchor of this show, was shot dead by two unknown assailants in San Simon, Pampanga. MCGI members have accused the INC of being behind the murder as Mataro's TV program, "D'Xman", was critical of the Iglesia ni Cristo doctrines. Murder charges were filed against the principal suspects in the killing. Nickson Icao and Felizardo "Ka Zaldy" Lumagham, both of Macabebe, Pampanga and who claim to be members of INC, were charged before the San Fernando prosecutors office.
Strangebrew is a reality situational comedy television show in the Philippines which formerly aired by UNTV Channel 37, People's Television Network, and on Studio 23.