Hosted by Kim Seung-joo, Park Myeong-su and San E, with cast of SEVENTEEN's Vernon, WJSN's Luda, PENTAGON's Hong Seok, Microdot and Don Spike as tutors, the show features one-to-one private tutoring by the star cast to secondary school's students in Korea.
꼰대 is a Korean slang word for an old man who is kinda aggressive and who tries to teach the younger generation. It has been widely used for a couple of years. The program is going to discover this "꼰대 DNA" in our daily life and discuss about it.
JYP Entertainment is hiring a 'Super Intern'! Based on a transparent screening process, selected candidates will intern at the company for 6 weeks, and the finalists will become full-time employees.
UHSN will bring 10 female K-pop fans from various countries around the world to South Korea as foreign exchange students. In Korea, they will receive lessons from experts in singing, dancing, and Korean language and experience aspects of Korean culture such as the food, beauty, and fashion.
After the reality show, they had the opportunity to debut before each one returns to their native country.