The story is centered around three close friends, Kaori, Aya and Nao, who get together at a coffee house or their respective homes and engage in idle gossip.
We will closely follow the 21 artists who belong to DoMunDi, an actor group that is rapidly gaining popularity in Thailand, and will also introduce a digest of the live performance video of the first event in Japan, "DMD LAND in JAPAN".
Mirai Kasuga, who wants to carry on a dream she has yet to see. Shizuka Mogami, who yearns to be an idol and is shaken. Tsubasa Ibuki, who does not know what she can be serious about.
At 765 Production new idols gather and everyone's "dreams" will brought into brilliance at the theater! The long-awaited anime of "The IDOLM@STER Million Live!!