Delta State is a Canadian animated television series, based on a comic book by Douglas Gayeton, featuring four amnesiac roommates with the ability to subconsciously enter an ethereal realm known as the Delta State. They face the dual tasks of piecing together their past lives and battling a group of Delta State denizens called Rifters, who seek to control the human mind. The main characters are Claire, Martin, Luna, and Philip.
The series debuted September 11, 2004 on Teletoon, the Canadian cartoon television network. It is the first animated television series to be entirely rotoscoped, taking over 27 months to complete.
Delta State is a French / Canadian co-production with designs, story-boards etc. done by Alphanim in Paris; shooting and recording were performed by Nelvana Canada. The project was conceived by Douglas Gayeton, who also directed the original pilot and wrote the bible for the show.
The show has won the Special Award for a TV program at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and the Frame
Set in the year 2222, impetuous, science-loving, 12-year-old Blaster helps his alien friend G.C. save her universe, with the help of their robotic dog MEL, using logic and creativity to outsmart intergalactic outlaws.
The show is a glimpse into the whirlwind life of a teenager with serious reservations about the adult world. In the courses of his adventures, a multitude of eccentric characters pull him in all directions in search of his identity: a psychotic psychologist, an extremely odd best friend, an exotic lady immune to his charms, fashion trends devotees, and a horror film aficionado.
Eckhart is a half-hour animated series presented on Canadian television in 2000 and 2001. It was created by David Weale and incorporates some of the sounds and culture of Weale's home province of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Eckhart, the title character, was a mouse who was a character in a children's book by David Weale titled "The True Meaning of Crumbfest" which was also a Christmas special program on television. Approximately 39 episodes of the program were produced. It also was packaged for sale as a retail DVD product. The program was broadcast in 25 countries around the world.
Just Kidding is a Canadian animated series that began airing on February 3, 2013 on Teletoon, and November 19, 2012 on Disney XD. Despite being a Teletoon Original Production, it does not broadcast on Télétoon due to TVA's exclusive broadcasting rights of Just For Laughs series in French-Canadian territories. The series has also been broadcast in the UK, France, Australia and Poland. Unlike the international versions, the Disney XD version is hosted by YouTube sensation Zach Fox. The show is loosely based off of Just for Laughs, only this show´s premise focuses on kids pulling jokes. The series plays with no written dialogue, apart from the main theme which gives the impression that all the kids share the hosting position.
Hyperactive six-year-old Olliver uses his wild imagination to escape reality and embark on action-packed adventures of which he and his toys play the starring role.
Doodlez is a Canadian series of animated shorts produced for television by Cellar Door Productions, animated by Trapeze Animation Studios Ltd., which started airing on Teletoon in 2002. It could be seen on Nicktoons Network,.
Children's programme, centering around the various performing arts and other historic parts of England, Northern Ireland, Canada, South Scotland, Wales, and Isle of Man. Listed as children's, dramedy, highbrow arts, current affairs, and adventure within its genres.
Lolita, a young fine impish girl, evolves in an every day-life background. In spite of herself, her charms provoke strange or even surrealistic reactions in people and objects. Lolita is a realistic cartoon character incrusted on inside and outside life-like scenery.