In the new show full of excitement, eight couples compete against each other. The contestants are given new challenges every week: they have the opportunity to show their imaginative designs and technical skills, which are judged by the professional LEGO builder Dóczy Balázs Dóczy, the Master Builder of the LEGO® Masters and the professional jury of the contestants' creations. The players not only struggle with spectacular - and at the same time complicated - challenges, time, but also with each other. At the end of the episodes, one team will say goodbye to the show, and in the finale it will be revealed: which pair will win the LEGO Masters title and the HUF 10 million grand prize for the winner.
Talented hobby confectioners, or even those who are already familiar with the tricks of baking, compare their knowledge: Master Confectioner candidates must create two confectionery masterpieces individually in each broadcast to advance. At the end of each race day, one of them will be eliminated, so at the end of the two semi-final weeks, three competitors will advance to the final week, where someone will also leave every day.