This series delves into the lives and psyches of women who have committed irreparable acts. Each episode tells the story of a murderess who has made the headlines, and traces the thread of a tragedy that has left an indelible mark. Through these deeply moving stories, we revisit the places, times and social context that led to the tragedy.
Private detective Annie Richard takes celebrities into the troubling past of their neighbourhood. In each episode, she reveals to her guest the story of a place of their own: their current residence, their childhood home, their high school.
The documentary series takes us deep into the workings of the Mont-Wright iron complex for a fascinating and unprecedented close-up look at how the largest open-pit mine in Eastern North America operates.
Patrick Langlois and his guest try out various products to see how well they work. We’ll be exploring new gadgets, analyzing products, and comparing features to help viewers make the right purchasing decisions.
Explores the scientific, social, economic and environmental consequences of supposedly time-saving inventions, ideas and objects. Throughout a lifetime, the minutes that are actually lost or saved can add up to days, weeks, months or even years.
Advances in forensic sciences have led to the resolution of complex cases thanks to microscopic clues. The documentary series Police Scientifique analyses crimes committed in Quebec, which were solved thanks to science and new police techniques. Experts and detectives recount how they reconstituted the circumstances of various murders, by using ballistics, toxicology, chemistry, physics, biology and even entomology. These testimonies come with those of the victim’s loved ones, along with realistic constitutions that put the scale of these tragic events in images.
Victims of sexual abuse by members of the clergy are breaking the silence and taking steps to seek justice. Their struggle, often spanning several years, is arduous and the outcome is uncertain. Despite the difficulties encountered, their moving and often shocking stories will finally be heard.
A documentary series featuring men and women who are passionate about their mission to make justice more human, more accessible, more streamlined and less costly. Every day, they have to deal with harrowing drama, repulsive crimes and urgent situations.
Every year, almost 400 cowboys travel throughout Quebec to take part in more than 30 rodeos. This documentary series takes a dive into this adrenaline-filled world for a season. It shows cowboys, barrel racers and bull riders who, out of passion, risk their lives for their sport.
The Vanderzon family has been working in snow removal since the 1950s. Three generations later, the sons, grandsons and cousins are still clearing streets and driveways in and around Boucherville for institutional, commercial and individual clients.