Amrit Manthan is an Indian television soap opera, which premiered on 26 February 2012. It airs on Life OK Monday through Friday. It is the story of two sisters who become each other's enemies. At first, it was about the bond between two sisters, Nimrit and Amrit. Now, it shows the bond between another pair of sisters, Gurbani and Jyoti. The show will air its last episode on Friday, 2 August 2013 and be replaced by a new show called Gustakh Dil
Gustakh Dil is an Indian television soap opera, which premiered on 5 August 2013. It airs on Life OK Monday through Friday. It shows a love triangle between three people, Laajo, Nikhil and Ishana. It replaced the long running show Amrit Manthan. The story revolves around Laajo a simpleton from a village and Nikhil a cool guy who is madly in love with his childhood sweetheart Ishana. Laajo becomes a second woman in Nikhil's life.
Alaxmi Ka Super Parivaar, formerly known as Alaxmi - Hamari Super Bahu, is a family drama which airs on Life OK. It is based on the popular Bengali serial, Songsar Sukher Hoy Romonir Gune, that airs on Star Jalsa.
The show is doing average by gaining TRPs but is doing better than any other show at the 9 p.m. slot on Life OK, since the channel's launch. It was earlier decided to go off air but at the eleventh hour, it got three months extension. It turned from daily to weeekly one hour show. From 27th Oct 2012 it started airing every Sat-Sun 7.00 PM. With the change in time slot, the title also changed. It is now titled as Alaxmi Ka Super Parivaar.
Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki was an Indian TV Show, It started on December 19, 2011 every Mon-Fri at 9:30PM. It was on Life OK and became a hit and got lots of popularity.
The show took a leap of 8 years where Lakshmi dies giving birth to a baby girl, and the show la focuses on the life of Kanchi, Lakshmi's lookalike
'Aasman Se Aage' is an Indian Hindi language television drama that first aired on Life OK. It premiered on 23 April 2012 and was telecast from Monday to Friday at 10:30 pm IST. The last episode of the show aired on 13 July 2012.
Each episode was 24 minutes in duration. In April 2012, the first Maha Episode of ASA was aired which was 46 minutes. Two more Maha Episodes were aired in May & June 2012. On 11 June 2012, it was confirmed that Life Ok was going to change the program line-up, and on doing this they decided to end Aasman Se Aage due to it getting constant low trp's. The decision lead to protests from many die-hard fans of the show - the channel was criticized for cancelling the show within 2 months of its airing, leading to speculation that the decision may have been politically motivated.
The show tells the story of Meenakshi, a talented but poor slum girl who gets the opportunity of a lifetime to be on a dance reality show on TV called Aasman Se Aage.
ASA was both a drama about dancing as well as a crit
Savitri is an Indian supernatural television series that airs on Life OK Monday through Friday. The series premiered on 18 February 2013. It is the story of a woman and her immense love for her husband Satya and how that love gives her the strength to face Rahu Kaal, the devil incarnate Rahu Kaal.