Thrillbillies is a sports show airing on Fuel TV and hosted by Cam McQueen and Aaron Sauvage. The series debuted in 2009 and aired its third season in January 2011. The fourth season began airing on January 23, 2012.
West Coast Customs is an automobile repair shop focusing on the customization of vehicles. It was started by co-founders Ryan Friedlinghaus and Quinton Dodson in 1994. According to Friedlinghaus, he began the business with a $5000 loan from his grandfather, but other sources claim that he raised the seed money for the business while working at his father's liquor store. Owing to the patronage of celebrities such as Shaquille O'Neal and Sean Combs, along with appearances in the reality television
UFC Ultimate Insider is a weekly American sports television magazine show that profiles the MMA athletes and fights from the Ultimate Fighting Championship in a behind-the-scenes format, giving the viewer "unprecedented access" to the sport.
The 30-minute show debuts every week on FUEL TV on Tuesdays at 10:30PM ET and 7:30PM PST. Re-airs can be viewed a week later on FSN, MSG+ and Root Sports Networks. International viewers can watch a streaming version of the show through the UFC and YouTube.
The Daily Habit is a sports telecast airing on Fuel TV hosted by Pat Parnell. The show features personalities in the world of extreme sports, including surfboarding, skateboarding, snowboarding and more, as well as other personalities from entertainment and popular music. The Daily Habit began airing on October 3, 2005. Its seventh season began airing on September 1, 2011.
The Captain and Casey Show is an American sports television series hosted by Jeff Carlson and Chris Casey, and also Shellene Reese which began airing on Fuel TV in 2004. The series is also available on the Internet via live streaming.