The story revolves around Nekoyama Suzu, a timid, shy tsundere girl loves dogs, and Inugami Yachiyo, a super masochistic, air-headed, friendly girl who loves cats. One day, after a fateful meeting, the two find themselves attracted to each other. In response to Inugami's instinctive approaches, Nekoyama is always bashful. Their friend Aki has to work hard to make jabs at some of the situations of the two, and also to stop Inugami from going berserk.
The year is 2661 CE. Ten years ago, Bashin Dan became the trigger that stopped the Earth from resetting itself. On the anniversary of this sacrifice, Barone and Clackey hold a conference, celebrating the union of Mazoku and humanity, and also Dan's feats.
However, beneath that peace, an organization named Cardinal Sign advocates for the subjugation of Mazoku and human supremacy. They resort to terrorist attacks, violence, and have somehow obtained the 12 Zodiac X-Rares which ought to have vanished together with Dan.
Amidst all this chaos, the bearers of the core's light feel a weird sensation, one that they've felt before. What could be the meaning of it, and what is the meaning behind the card that appeared within their decks, named "The Clash King's Miracle"?