Jockeys is an American documentary sports reality television series that premiered on February 6, 2009 on Animal Planet. The series chronicles the professional lives of jockeys during the famous thirty-day Oak Tree Meet at Santa Anita Park. First and second season episodes aired on Friday nights.
The second season, which premiered on August 21, 2009 added Corey Nakatani and Garrett Gomez to the featured jockeys while Jon Court departed to race in Kentucky.
The taglines of the show are:
⁕"Win or Die Trying" for season 1 and
⁕"To Win It All You Have to Risk It All" for season 2.
"Stronger" by Kanye West is used as the theme song.
Animal Cops: South Africa is an American documentary reality television series that premiered on June 6, 2008 on Animal Planet. The program depicts cases that are handled and investigated by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA in and around Cape Town, South Africa. They handle any animal from pit bulls to Egyptian geese.
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is a community-run NGO and is a member of the NSPCA.
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA became part of the Animal Cops show after Animal Planet commissioned a South African version of the series, based on Animal Precinct, Animal Cops Houston, Animal Cops Detroit, and more.
The Inspectorate is based on a National Training program in South Africa provided and certified by the NSPCA and each inspector is authorized by the District Magistrates to investigate and intervene in animal cruelty complaints as well as educate on proactive initiatives. Their stance against animal cruelty has landed them the international focus with Animal Cops, highlighting the plight of animals within South Afric
Escape to Chimp Eden is a television series broadcast on the Animal Planet network that premiered on February 8, 2008. The series examines the rescue of abused and neglected chimpanzees.
Paddle around Singapore, where otter clans clash over surf, turf, and the right to rule their urban roosts. Meet the group’s feisty matriarchs, who ban outsiders from their close-knit communities but coexist with their human neighbours just fine.
Wildlife SOS is a TV show on Animal Planet, based in the UK's Wildlife Aid in Leatherhead, Surrey. The show has been running since 1996 and produced by Simon Cowell's Wild Productions. And can be found on Animal Planet, Channel 5 and DMAX. It is run almost completely by volunteers. Whilst Simon is often wandering around the British country side, rescuing injured, sick or orphaned wildlife, other volunteers are usually at the hospital treating and raising patients, so they can be ready to be released back into the wild.
Follows WSDFW Law Enforcement Program as they police the Evergreen State's unforgiving mountain terrains, twisted rain forest back roads and densely populated coastal areas. Each day brings new challenges and extreme danger.
This new Australian factual series captures the special relationship between the extraordinary animals and their passionate keepers, at one of the planet's largest and oldest zoos, spread across three stunning locations in Victoria.
Meet The Sloths follows a year in the life of five slow-moving residents of the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a sanctuary dedicated to saving orphaned or injured sloths. Filmmaker Lucy Cooke headed to the sanctuary to follow the stories of these loveable and unique creatures. And, apart from filming adorable videos – including one that’s got two million hits on YouTube – she has captured a unique insight into these very secretive animals. The stories demonstrate the difficulty in caring for sloths, and stories include: baby sloth twins fighting for survival, an injured and sexually frustrated ex-lothario sloth called, naturally, Randy and at the oldest living sloth in captivity that has lived to the ripe old age of 20-years-old. Over a year in their company Lucy watches as an unlikely soap opera of love, loss and lust develops and learns first hand that although slow on their feet, a sloths life is anything but slothful.
Animal Armageddon is an American paleontology-based documentary television miniseries that originally aired from February 12, 2009 to September 24, 2009 on Animal Planet. All the prehistoric scenes are created 100% in Lightwave. It is produced by Digital Ranch Productions and all the computer graphics are designed and created by Radical3D.
SaraJane and her four daughters from Southern California pool their savings and head to Alaska in an attempt to reopen their deceased Grandfather’s gold mines, one in Nome and another 500 miles away in Fairbanks. Working side by side with grizzled Alaskan mining crews, SJ and her daughters face everything Alaska has to offer, and then some.
Beware of Dog is the first situation comedy to be presented by the U.S. cable television channel Animal Planet. While it had two episodes broadcast consecutively on August 13, 2002, this was the only time that the series made it to the air.
Follow the story of the Langens of British Columbia, who run one of the busiest bear rehabilitation centers in the world. They rescue and raise orphaned bear cubs (including grizzly cubs) until they can survive on their own and be released back into the wild.
Animal Cops: San Francisco is an American documentary reality television series that premiered in 2005 on Animal Planet. The program follows ten Animal Care and Control investigators and two full-time police officers in their work in preventing and prosecuting animal cruelty in San Francisco, California.
The series, which premiered in 2005, is part of an umbrella rotation of shows known collectively as "Animal Planet Heroes".
This show has not yet aired in the United Kingdom, where Animal Cops: Houston and Animal Cops: Detroit have become popular with viewers.
Animal Cops: Detroit is a one-hour American reality television series that premiered in 2002 on Animal Planet. It takes place in Detroit, Michigan, home of the Michigan Humane Society, and focuses on the exploits of five animal cruelty field agents and the staff physicians and animal evaluators at the MHS. The series is one of Animal Planet's top-rated shows; it is part of an "umbrella rotation" of shows known collectively as "Animal Planet Heroes".
Animal Planet takes viewers on an exotic journey through India, from the epic Himalayan Mountains, down the mighty River Ganges, and across to the lost world of the North East, to explore its iconic wildlife, secret locations and grand terrains.
Nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains of the American west is a place unlike anywhere else on the planet. Yellowstone National Park is home to hundreds of animals that have adapted to survive in a harsh and dynamic landscape.
Animal Planet's large predator expert Dave Salmoni embarks on the most transformative mission of his lifeand also the most relevant one. Leaving the city life of Toronto, Salmoni heads deep into the Namibian bush to spend six months ALONE among a pride of lions and the diverse and often deadly wildlife in Africa. His mission is twofold to return to his wild roots and to head INTO THE PRIDE to save a rogue pride of lions from elimination. After spending much time in the "urban jungle" as a host and executive producer, Salmoni is given the ultimate opportunity to reconnect with two of his lasting passions the serenity and solitude of living in the wild and his love of big cats, particularly lions.