A six-part docu-series which follows bear trainer Jeff Watson and his two rescued bears, Bob and Screech, as Watson attempts to return them to the wild where they belong. A crisis of conscience has spurred him to do the unprecedented - introduce his two 700-pound grizzlies, animals that were raised as his kin, to the wild. Jeff must teach the bears every skill they don't currently possess in order to survive the deep wild.
Bad Dog! is an Animal Planet series that showcases viral caught on video moments of animals behaving terribly and doing things they're not supposed to be doing and still get unconditional love from their owners. In each episode, the videos are broken down into categories such as "Born to Be Wild", "Escape Artists", etc. and each video that's nominated has a backstory by their owners on how it all started. At the end of the show, one video is chosen for "Baddest of the Bad". Bad Dog! started as a pilot episode on August 28, 2010 then it became a full series a year later in September 2011.
Animal Cops: Detroit is a one-hour American reality television series that premiered in 2002 on Animal Planet. It takes place in Detroit, Michigan, home of the Michigan Humane Society, and focuses on the exploits of five animal cruelty field agents and the staff physicians and animal evaluators at the MHS. The series is one of Animal Planet's top-rated shows; it is part of an "umbrella rotation" of shows known collectively as "Animal Planet Heroes".
Feeding Frenzy is a four-part American documentary reality television mini-series that premiered in 2008 on Animal Planet. The program follows, stars, and is hosted and narrated by actor Christopher Douglas. In the show, Douglas sits inside a transparent, cubical plastic box while filming canivorous predators, which are attracted to the bait and surround the box.
Meet The Sloths follows a year in the life of five slow-moving residents of the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a sanctuary dedicated to saving orphaned or injured sloths. Filmmaker Lucy Cooke headed to the sanctuary to follow the stories of these loveable and unique creatures. And, apart from filming adorable videos – including one that’s got two million hits on YouTube – she has captured a unique insight into these very secretive animals. The stories demonstrate the difficulty in caring for sloths, and stories include: baby sloth twins fighting for survival, an injured and sexually frustrated ex-lothario sloth called, naturally, Randy and at the oldest living sloth in captivity that has lived to the ripe old age of 20-years-old. Over a year in their company Lucy watches as an unlikely soap opera of love, loss and lust develops and learns first hand that although slow on their feet, a sloths life is anything but slothful.
Animal and Rob chase a man with a violent, alcohol-fueled history to a Montana riverside camp; Colorado, Clint and Dayson are lead into a steep-walled canyon by a fugitive.
Animal Planet takes viewers on an exotic journey through India, from the epic Himalayan Mountains, down the mighty River Ganges, and across to the lost world of the North East, to explore its iconic wildlife, secret locations and grand terrains.
Paddle around Singapore, where otter clans clash over surf, turf, and the right to rule their urban roosts. Meet the group’s feisty matriarchs, who ban outsiders from their close-knit communities but coexist with their human neighbours just fine.
Kiwi farm boy Craig Busch, an experienced self-taught "wild cat trainer", creates a haven for rare, endangered cats such as white Bengal Tigers, Barbary Lions and White Lions at a reserve near Johannesburg.
Follow the story of the Langens of British Columbia, who run one of the busiest bear rehabilitation centers in the world. They rescue and raise orphaned bear cubs (including grizzly cubs) until they can survive on their own and be released back into the wild.
Animal Armageddon is an American paleontology-based documentary television miniseries that originally aired from February 12, 2009 to September 24, 2009 on Animal Planet. All the prehistoric scenes are created 100% in Lightwave. It is produced by Digital Ranch Productions and all the computer graphics are designed and created by Radical3D.
Follow one of the world's only demon hunters, Dwayne Claud, as he travels across the US investigating present day cases of demonic possession. Dwayne will investigate these real-life stories of real people who are being tormented by the terrifying.
Nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains of the American west is a place unlike anywhere else on the planet. Yellowstone National Park is home to hundreds of animals that have adapted to survive in a harsh and dynamic landscape.
Pro wrestler "Showtime" Eric Young is on a journey into the world of extreme and unusual fishing. In the ring, Eric is a competitive fighter with a big personality. But in his free time, he loves to head out on the water to fish. Now, Eric is on a journey to meet and fish with the most unique fishermen he can find. Anglers who are risking it all... for the sake of the catch.
Viewers go behind the scenes of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) as six students embark on a journey to graduation - a culmination of four intense, but rewarding, years of never-ending studying, round-the-clock rotations and unpredictable cases.
Venom ER is a television program made by the BBC Wildvision department of the BBC Natural History Unit for Animal Planet. It follows doctors at the Loma Linda University Medical Center dealing with venomous bites from snakes.
All across the globe, animals are struggling to survive due to drastic climate change, and the guide to survival in the animal kingdom is being rewritten.
My Extreme Animal Phobia is an Animal Planet television miniseries that premiered on October 21, 2011. Each episode of the series focuses upon three patients who are assisted by Dr. Robin Zasio in overcoming their various animal phobias through exposure therapy over the course of five days.