Transformers: Cybertron, known in Japan originally as Transformers: Galaxy Force, is the 2005-2007 Transformers toy line and animated series, another co-production between Hasbro and Takara. It was aired in Japan as a separate rebooted transformers series, though in America, the English dub was presented as a sequel to the previous series, Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon by adding dialogue and reusing a number of screens to link elements of the Armada and Energon series to the show, giving the impression that it is a sequel. In the anime, all of the Transformers are computer-generated, while the humans and backgrounds are rendered in traditional 2D animation. It is the last series in the Transformers franchise to be produced in Japan.
Tokiko’s mother died 20 years ago and her father Tetsuya is now in his 70's. Her father has a free spirit and is cute. Tokiko is in her mid 40's and still single. She has a strong personality. In their past, Tokiko and Tetsuya did not have a good relationship. It got so bad that they almost ended their relationship, but now they occasionally meet. They go out to eat together and have conversations.
Tokiko decides to publish an essay about her father Tetsuya. To collect information for her essay, she meets Tetsuya and listens to various stories, but it's not just pleasant memories.
Chi is a sweet playful kitten who’s always full of energy. She lives with the loving Yamada family. Her daily routine is to drink milk, take naps, and go walk in the park.
Based on the novel "Mohouhan" by Miyuki Miyabe.
Journalist Maebata Shigeko, young Tsukada Shinichi and elderly Arima Yoshio all suffer from and become involved in a serial kidnap and murder case. Shinichi first discovers a cut arm and handbag from the murder case. Elderly Yoshio's granddaughter is a murder victim.
A high-flying robot boy with superpowers gets ready to blast off into new adventures alongside Suzu and Astro Kitty to save the Earth from destruction.
Kashiwazaki Yu has dated Naoki for the past 7 years and they have lived together for the past 5 years. Nowadays, their relationship has very little romance and Naoki seems to have no interest in marriage. On Kashiwazaki Yu’s birthday, Naoki seems to care more about his new game than celebrating her birthday. Kashiwazaki Yu is unable to control her anger anymore and runs out of their house. Perhaps by fate, she then meets her ex-boyfriend Fukami from her high school days. Kashiwazaki Yu soon finds herself in a love triangle with Naoki and Fukami.
Ten years ago, the World Tree that protected peace and order of the world was being targeted by an evil organization called the Zakum. The Human race led four other races: the brave warriors, the intelligent magicians, the agile archers and the sly thieves in a fight against the Zakums. In the end, the World Tree activated self-destruction to protect itself. However, the other races thought it was the Human race that destroyed the World Tree. When the World Tree was destroyed most of the races had nothing left, so a number of them went to Maple Island thinking the ones who stayed would die. They escaped Victoria and lived on Maple Island where living is getting harder and harder. Since then, a never-ending war between the different races began.
Ten years later, the main protagonist, Al, is determined to revive the World Tree. Al and his companions begin their journey to seek the seeds of the World Tree. At the same time, the Zakums reappear…
In a dark void known as the Lightless Realm, a group of children meet and bond, but are then separated and returned to their own dimension. Years later, these children reunite to fight "Admonitions," monsters that originate from the same void, using robots known as "Vess." However, their efforts only slow the ever-encroaching and expanding Lightless Realm from infecting their world.
Their lives take a drastic turn when a new foe appears in the form of a "Corpse," whose song is rumored to kill any who hear it within nine days. The "Corpse Song" is heard by the group, and with this, they each begin to pull away and become caught up in their own personal problems—ultimately threatening the fate of humanity.
The chief editor of a woman’s magazine talks to Yumi Adachi about a new idea for the magazine. Their plan revolves around a person who disposes of stuff and lives more comfortably. According to their plan, Yumi Adachi decides to throw away various items one by one. On that night, Yumi Adachi falls asleep as usual, but she has an unusual dream.
A certain summer day, as the cicadas sing loudly. A man with no money and no place to belong tries to end his life, however is unable to take the last step. While wavering between life and death, he sees a gourmet food program on television, and realising he's never once eaten crab in his life decides that "For my last day on this Earth, I'll eat crab". Settings his sights on the wife who lives in a high-class neighbourhood that he happened across in a library, he forces his way into her home. And thus, he demands money from her, however things go in an unexpected direction.
Arcadia is plagued with evil, life-draining demons called Thanatos and a vast lack of Purifiers to exterminate them all. While attending school, Angelique attracts the eye of a man who intends to turn the tides to the people's favor. What lies within her is the key to Arcadia's survival.
Natsumi's (Hikaru Takahashi) younger sister Haru passes away because a disease. She was just 19. Natsumi loved her younger sister a lot. Meanwhile, Haru was engaged to Togo. Togo comes from a distinguished family, who runs a large company. His parents care about pedigree a lot and suggests to Natsumi that she should now date Togo. Natsumi turns down their request, but Toho accepts his parents request to date Natsumi. Suddenly, Natsumi asks Togo to take her to places where he took her younger sister. Togo is surprised by her request, but he begins to take Natsumi around. Natsumi soon becomes attracted to Togo, but she feels a sense of guilt for her feelings.
Ultraman New Generation Chronicle is a series that tells the story of the New Generation Heroes' adventures from Ultraman Ginga up to Ultraman R/B. The show is hosted by Booska
Mirai Kasuga, who wants to carry on a dream she has yet to see. Shizuka Mogami, who yearns to be an idol and is shaken. Tsubasa Ibuki, who does not know what she can be serious about.
At 765 Production new idols gather and everyone's "dreams" will brought into brilliance at the theater! The long-awaited anime of "The IDOLM@STER Million Live!!
The story is centered around three close friends, Kaori, Aya and Nao, who get together at a coffee house or their respective homes and engage in idle gossip.
If a couple sees the diamond dust together, then they will certainly find eternal happiness. Or so it is said. This is a drama about the romances, friendships and conflicts of six girls from Hokkaido and how the diamond dust affects them and eventually links them together in the search for happiness.