In a social and cynical context, the series revolves around Maemon, a very stingy man who has a wife and four kids whom he deprives of everything. After they all leave him, they discover that he's a billionaire. They then start a journey of finding his hidden wealth and how to get hold of it.
Back with more mischief, Ramez invites his unsuspecting guests to the launch of an amusement park in Riyadh where they fall victim to a bloodcurdling trap.
A historical series embodying the character of Al-Zeer Salem, whose story happened in the pre-Islamic era. and presents the events of the Al-Basus War.
Set at the beginning of the 20th century, the events deal with five touching stories of different people who are united by one thing and separated by many others in different places, such as India, Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula.
Yara abandons her dream job as a navigation officer for the sake of her possessive husband Youssef, while Khaled causes a tragic accident that puts Yara in grave danger.
The story revolves around a Kuwaiti man in his late fifties who fears that his fortune will be lost overnight due to an economic blow that will destroy him. He finds no escape except through his half-brother, who holds Saudi citizenship and lives in Dubai and works as a failed and unlucky veterinarian. Events begin to accelerate after they meet together in the midst of many funny paradoxes and amusing situations.
A man entrusts Abu Al Makhraz with a huge sum of money and disappears. When Abu Al Makhraz dies, his family finds themselves pitted against his relatives.
The program shows the best episodes from the Saudi comedy series 'Tash Ma Tash', which aired on the Saudi television for 18 continuous seasons, as the show's creators Nasser Al Qasabi and Abdullah Al Sadhan discussed a set of social issues that concern the Saudi society in a cynical way.
A musical entertainment program presented by Hassan Al-Raddad, in which an elite group of stars compete in an atmosphere full of singing, fun, and challenges that test their musical knowledge and artistic talents.
A romantic thriller series about the reality of Gulf women, and their relationship with the Eastern man by addressing a range of different stories and tales that dive into their respective worlds.
Comedic interactions revolving around the social life in Saudi Arabia following measures to contain the pandemic that forced the world to go into lockdown.