All My Love is a South Korean sitcom starring Kim Kap-soo, Park Mi-sun, Jo Kwon, Ga-in, Yoon Doo-joon, Jun Tae-soo and Yoon Seung-ah. It began broadcasting on November 8, 2010 on MBC and its final episode aired on September 16, 2011.
Here comes a show full of information on the hottest trends and stars of the Korean entertainment industry. Every week, the show presents segments and interviews of everyone’s favorite celebrities. Get ready for the most recent news on upcoming events.
Good For You is a 2013 South Korean television drama starring Ha Hee-ra, Lee Hyung-chul, Shim Hyung-tak and Kim Bin-woo. The morning soap opera premiered on May 6, 2013 and airs on MBC on Mondays to Fridays at 7:50 a.m. for 108 episodes.
YongSeo Couple is a couple from the South Korean reality TV show We Got Married. The husband is singer and actor Jung Yong Hwa, and the wife is singer Seohyun. The couple's name YongSeo was coined by combining the first syllables of their names, Yong from Yonghwa and Seo from Seohyun. They appeared as a virtually wed couple in the show for over a year. They are also known as the "Sweet Potato " Couple, due to Seohyun's massive love for them.