Back to Reality was a reality television show featuring stars from previous reality television programmes. The show was broadcast on Channel 5 between 16 February 2004 to 1 March 2004 and was advertised by Channel 5 as being "The biggest reality show of all time" however in terms of ratings, it failed to deliver. The 12 contestants spent 3 weeks in a studio built mansion, with no natural sunlight. In the final two weeks, the public voted for their favourite housemate with the two people with the lowest votes every 3/4 nights being put to the housemate vote, where the other contestants has to vote for who they wanted to leave. The show was presented by Tess Daly and Richard Bacon, the first and only series of the show finished with James Hewitt winning the show ahead of Maureen Rees and Craig Phillips.
The series unfolds to the backdrop of the looming Australian bushfire season when two families who are long-time friends, venture to a secluded home for a summer vacation. As secrets and lies unravel it becomes a tinderbox – and not everyone will make it out alive.
16 British reality TV stars compete against each other in a series of harsh trials. There's a £100,000 prize for the winner and a place in the World Championship.
Steve takes us into the dangerous world of crocodiles - one of nature's most fearsome predators - entering croc-infested territory escorted by an armed safari guide.
In this three-part series Robson Green travels through the Amazon rainforest, exploring the environment, species and culture that live within the wilderness of forest.
The twelve episodes of this BBC series cover a millennium of English monarchy and portray lives of twelve important English monarchs and how each of them impacted the history: William the Conqueror, Henry II, Edward I, Henry V , Richard III, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Charles I, Charles II, George III, Victoria, and to the present Queen Elizabeth II. Each 23-minute episode is filmed on location, with historian Nigel Spivey providing the narration describing bloodshed, lust and political intrigue. Actors provide mute dramatization.
This four-part series tells the stories of the landscapes, towns and cities which inspired four of the UK's greatest writers - Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens and the Brontes.
Exploring the remote rainforests of the Congo and meeting the tribes that live there. Ben Fogle experiences the vibrant culture that makes the country the 'beating heart of Africa'. Ben arrives in the capital Brazzaville where he prepares for a two-day journey into the wilderness to visit one of the longest-surviving cultures in the world, the Mbendjele BaYaka tribe living deep in the jungle in traditional huts made from leaves
This warm and entertaining four-part observational documentary series has unprecedented access behind the scenes to staff and guests at the 5-star London Hilton on Park Lane Hotel.
Cameras were allowed full access to all aspects of the club and players, on the pitch and training fields, in the gyms, changing rooms and boardrooms, at team meetings and at home. The film captures the recruitment process as the club sought a new manager and the moment when, two weeks later, Brendan ‘Buck’ Rodgers arrived at Melwood, prior to Liverpool’s North American tour. He had an impressive track record at Swansea City, but would the new ‘king of the Kop’ be able to raise Liverpool’s game in time for the new season? Endorsing the appointment, managing director Ian Ayre says, “Brendan was always first choice. He has his own style and philosophy, which is evident in watching what he achieved last year with Swansea.
Tony Robinson dons his hiking boots to explore the 200-mile coast-to-coast route made famous by travel writer Alfred Wainwright. In the six-part series, Tony will be trekking across the north of England from St Bee's Beach in Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay on the Yorkshire coast.