Name That Tune is the British version of the American television game show that put two contestants against each other to test their knowledge of songs. It first premiered 7 April 1976 as a 15-minute slot on the popular entertainment series London Night Out and was turn into a half-hour weekly series in 1983. The first series were hosted by Tom O'Connor. In 1997, the game shoe was revived for two series on Channel 5 with Jools Holland as the host.
Assembles top historians and crime experts to re-examine the case of Jack the Ripper. Leading experts reveal their theories and discuss the evidence to support them. And, retracing the final steps of his victims.
Following the work of medical teams in University Hospital Coventry's trauma unit as they try to save the lives of people injured in traffic collisions.
New series. Rob Bell explores the extraordinary stories of four of London’s most iconic bridges, uncovering the history behind how – and why – they were built. In the first episode, Rob focuses on the original, and for 17 centuries the only bridge across the Thames, London Bridge. Rob explores the multiple versions of this bridge over the centuries and charts how each has shaped Britain’s capital city, from the Romans who used it to control southern England, to the astonishing and raucous medieval bridge, designed by priests, inhabited by hundreds, and financed and managed by City merchants.
Not all airports are equal! John Lennon Airport in Liverpool is the UK’s holiday airport where millions of expectant holiday makers begin their trips of a lifetime.
Observational documentary series following the work of staff at one of Britain's largest water companies, United Utilities, as they work tirelessly to keep the country's vital sewer systems running freely.
Former Royal Marine Arthur Williams walks across Britain to learn about World War II, including details of women who became spies, teenagers who went down the mines, and inventors who created new weapons used in the conflict.
Details what happens behind the scenes at Bressingham Steam Museum, revealing how an endearing and colourful cast of characters keep the charity-funded attraction open.
Navigating Britain's most iconic canals to uncover the unique stories behind each one, from the people who designed them, the engineering feats that were overcome to build them, and the people and industries who relied on them.
Joyful series with a vibrant cast showing what it's like to be plus-sized in modern Britain. Best mates Jo and Nat from Manchester run their own plus-sized clothing business.
Going behind the scenes with the world's biggest delivery company to find out how they deliver an extraordinary range and quantity of packages all over the planet. With half a million employees, DHL makes on average five delivers every second.
The Singing Estate was a four-part constructed documentary series made by North One Television for Five and FiveArts Cities in the UK, shot from January 2006 to April 2006 and transmitted from 11 June to 2 July 2006. On the Blackbird Leys estate, in Oxford, conductor Ivor Setterfield auditioned 140 hopeful amateur singers, eventually picking 40 for 'Ivor's Choir' as they were then known. The aim was to teach these singers, many of whom did not read music, several well-known pieces for a concert at the Royal Albert Hall three months later.
The programme followed the audition process in some depth, showing hopefuls and the hopeless, and Ivor's reaction to them. After the choir line-up was finalised, with some singers held in reserve, they began their public career with a performance of "The Wild Rover" at an Oxford United home game. In subsequent programmes they learned new pieces including Carl Orff's Carmina Burana; visited Italy, where they sang O Sole Mio with Italian tenor Franco Malapena; held a marquee concer
Five famous friends travel to Spain to sample life on the Costa Blanca. Anne Diamond reunites with old presenting colleague Nick Owen and chef Ainsley Harriott. They are joined by politician's wife and TV personality Christine Hamilton, and 'Allo 'Allo actress Vicki Michelle.