The Naked Pilgrim is documentary series produced by British broadcaster Five and presented by art critic Brian Sewell. First broadcast in 2003, the series follows Sewell on the Catholic pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
The series, ostensibly an arts travelogue about the pilgrimage route, was notable for Sewell wrestling with his own loss of faith and for his emotional responses to the pilgrims he encountered. Each episode features a leg of the pilgrimage route with a diversion in the third episode to visit the shrine at Lourdes.
The series was a success for Five and was watched by more than one million people - the channel's biggest audience for an arts programme.
The series won the prestigious Sandford St. Martin Trust award for Best Religious Programme. It was released on DVD in 2004.
Swag was a United Kingdom prank show broadcast on Five from 2002 to 2004. The general theme of the show was to trick members of the public into committing a minor crime but then get their comeuppance in one way or another. There were some pranks that were repeated on multiple occasions, while others were one offs in a certain episode.
A very popular prank from the series was one where a car was parked on the side of a road with its keys in the door and left unlocked in order to tempt people to steal it. However, the car was fitted to lock when started and then do a variety of things, such as talk to the burglar or start snowing inside the car. They were eventually let out.
The show was conceived by Guy Ritchie and produced by his company SKA Films and the independent television company Monkey.
In one incident, a person enticed to steal an expensive car which was then filled with foam spotted the cameraman filming and stabbed him in the leg with a screwdriver.
A DVD of series one has been released on 19 Sep 2005
The Desert Forges was a game show set in the Wadi Rum desert region in Jordan. It was first aired on Channel 5 from 23 June to 25 August 2001. It is produced by Adventure Line Productions, who also made Fort Boyard.
Dumber & Dumberest is a comedy programme produced by Square Donkey for British television channel Five.
Featuring clips of accidents for humorous effect, it is presented by Noddy Holder. Holder commentates on the misfortunes of those featured in the videotape clips. It was intended to be a 'slot filling' programme but was usually aired from 8:30pm to 9pm on a Wednesday night