Cash Cab is an Australian music trivia game show hosted by James Kerley, except for the third season, where he was replaced by Charlie Pickering. The first two seasons of the series were filmed in Melbourne, with the third being based in Perth and the fourth being currently based in the Gold Coast. The program airs on the Australian subscription television music channel, Channel [V].
Contestants are asked several trivia questions in various verbal, audio and video based questions for the duration of their trip. After being asked 5 questions, players are asked to choose The Loot or the Boot. Contestants have the opportunity to keep "the loot" they have won so far, or trade it all, depending on how many questions they answered correctly, for what is "in the boot". Boot prizes may be worth substantially more or substantially less than their current winnings. By choosing "the boot," the contestant's winnings are reset to $0 and the prize is theirs to keep, even if they use up their three strikes. On rare occasions, th