irected by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph of the Apollo 8 mission. The last stage culminates with the Apollo 11 space flight which landed American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. With full-color archival images and 3D reenactments of the mission's key stages, this immersive account details the journey of the men and women who contributed to the celebrated Apollo 11 mission.
The mysterious Fury gives viewers top-secret access to S.H.I.E.L.D. intel on key Marvel heroes and villains by bringing together a mix of animation and motion comic art.
Survival expert Les Stroud explores the world of Alaska's most formidable wildlife and uncovers the secrets to their survival in America's final frontier.
Dermatologist Dr. Joya & her protégé Dr. Jeff see it all—and the grosser the better! From impacted earwax to oozing cysts to massive hair loss, there’s no case too mysterious or bizarre for this Kentucky-based team. They put on their detective hats & investigate the largest organ in an animal’s body—the skin—to get our four-legged friends back to living their best lives.
Bringing to life stunning but simple recipes for the perfect entertaining and feasting, plus special styling moments for a truly magical Australian Christmas.
Yellowstone challenges every animal that lives in this Rocky Mountain wilderness; in summer it pitches them into battle against one another for food, territories and mates, in winter it forces them into a struggle for survival.
India's wildcats have been symbols of strength & royalty since the ancient times. Despite the reverence they evoke and their own adaptability & prowess, these cats have been pushed to the brink. Yet, they are the last hope for protecting the country's wild spaces. Two years in the making, 'Wild Cats of India' has journeyed across country's contrasting landscapes with an ambition to paint an intimate portrait of the intriguing lives of wildcats.
Join Mickey, Santa, & pals for five stop-motion Christmas shorts: "Jingle Bells," "Deck the Halls," "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," “12 Days of Christmas," & “Hot Dog! Christmas."
Archaeologist Allan Maca leads a team of intrepid experts on an epic adventure to solve mysteries, explore secrets and reveal amazing wonders of Ancient China like never… Read More
Traverse the planet’s richest, most diverse woodlands, from the tropics to the poles and everywhere in between. Get to know the wild residents of these magical ecosystems and learn how forests connect and nurture the lives of countless species.
Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 made headlines across the world sparking a global frenzy for Ancient Egypt. But over the decades since the find, many of the pharaoh’s priceless grave goods have disappeared into museum basements and archives across Egypt. Now all 5,398 objects are being reunited for the first time since their discovery at the new Grand Egyptian Museum. Many have never been seen before but together they shed new light on the short, eventful life of the so-called ‘Boy King’ and are now helping experts realize the sheer scale of Tutankhamun’s influence in the ancient world.