JIVA! is a fun and energy-packed drama series that follows the life of the talented street dancer Ntombi, who while juggling the demands of a dead end job, family responsibility and a rocky love life realises that her dance moves could be her ticket out of her working class neighbourhood in Durban. But first, she must overcome her fears, beat her rivals and sort out the chaos that is her family.
In 1999, before people left a digital trail, a fake family is born. In an effort to make his dying father proud, Pong recruits a makeshift family. His ex-girlfriend Lily will play the role of his wife and mother to their two fake children played by pager company employee Kek and video rental shop owner Bung.
Charts the descent into hell of 16-year-old Lea, a self-assured teenager surrounded by a loving family, who comes to fall under the influence of a shady older man, and the attempts of her parents to pry her away from him.
A troubled psychologist returns from the U.S. and sets up a clinic in Taiwan, where mysterious patients and uncanny events shed light on his murky past.
A group of small-town young men run a lucrative phishing operation, until a corrupt politician wants in on their scheme -- and a cop wants to fight it.