With unprecedented access to the Bengaluru City Police, this gripping series follows major criminal investigations from the moment the crime is reported through to the capture of the suspects. From murder to kidnap to extortion, each film tracks a shocking and compelling case in the heart of India's Silicon Valley. Filmed with senior officers at home and at work, this is a unique window into the lives of Bengaluru's police officers as they attempt to detect the most complex and serious crimes in the city.
From the crocs and cops of 1960s Queensland to the blood-splattered disco floors of 1970s Melbourne, comes the hilarious and heartbreaking story of afro bearing, flare wearing DJ Monty Pryor and his brother Paul.
In 2013, Michaella McCollum from Northern Ireland and Melissa Reid from Scotland were caught at the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Peru trying to smuggle £1.5 million of cocaine into Spain. The pair, also known as the `Peru Two,' were sentenced to almost seven years in one of the most notorious prisons in the world. The series provides a first-hand account from Michaella, a former club hostess in the Spanish nightlife, as she traces her journey from arriving in the foreign country for her first holiday to her downward spiral into the illicit world of drugs and excess.
Deck the halls with sugar, butter and chocolate as competitors from past seasons of "The Great British Baking Show" prepare sweet Yuletide treats for the show's judges.
The series tells the story of people working on the marketing team of a cosmetics brand. The love story focuses on the senior/junior relationship of Yoon Song-ah (Won Jin ah) and Chae Hyun-seung (Rowoon). The storyline also include Chae Hyun-seung's sister, Chae Ji-Seung a dress maker, dating Lee Jae-Woon, a BM at the cosmetics company; and his other sister, Chae Yeon-Seung's relationship with her closeted husband, Kang Woo-Hyun and their young daughter, Kang Ha-Eun.
In this kitchen contest, home cooks bid on ingredients to create dishes that will impress celebrity guest judges — and win the cash left in their bank.
Murder. Extortion. Drug smuggling. Racketeering. The charges are mounting against John Gotti — but will any of them stick to the "Teflon Don"? Told from both sides of the law, this docuseries from the makers of "Fear City" follows the FBI's battle to bring down infamous mob boss.
Rising culinary talents battle Brazil’s best chefs to be named Iron Legend in this exhilarating competition hosted by Fernanda Souza and Andressa Cabral.
In this reality series, the bickering but big-hearted Bernards manage their budget-friendly Memphis funeral home with lots of family dramedy and laughter while helping grieving families say farewell.