Kyoko, a young woman with an unhindered spirit despite being physically bound to a wheelchair due to illness, and Shuji, a stylish and popular fashion magazine hairstylist, are brought together in a fateful traffic incident. Despite their confrontational meeting, they soon find themselves falling in love, with Shuji drawn to her courage and enthusiasm and Kyoko attracted to his ability to look beyond her physical limitations and into her heart. However, Kyoko's protective older brother and her worsening condition begin to test the bounds of their love for each other and threaten to end their beautiful life together.
Crime journalist Raphael Rowe goes behind the bars of some of the world’s most notorious and toughest prisons. Immersing himself in maximum security facilities around the world to live as a prisoner, he encounters the inmates locked up for their crimes and meets the men and women on the right side of law tasked with keeping the criminals behind bars.
Psychological games abound between detectives and suspects in a tense interrogation room, where the search for answers sometimes comes at a moral cost.
Two 19th-century footballers on opposite sides of a class divide navigate professional and personal turmoil to change the game — and England — forever.
A zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo, The House of the Gods. The studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where chaos and hopelessness begin to rule.
Twenty-eight-year-old Mei Aihara is a single working woman with no time or talent for housework and romance. But when she is forced by her sister to hire Nagisa Shigino, a middle-aged male housekeeper, hilarity ensues in this must-see romcom!
2074. In the wake of a mysterious global disaster, war rages between the Tribes that have emerged from the wreckage of Europe. Three siblings from the peaceful Origine tribe are separated and forced to forge their own paths in an action-packed fight for the future of this new Europa.
Aramaki Yurika is an excellent consultant, well known within the industry, who has rebuilt many establishments. She receives a request to help restructure the management of Saitama’s host club “Eichi” which is in danger of being taken over by a top host club in Kabukicho.
When an estranged friend resurfaces after 12 years, a prosecutor starts connecting disjointed events to unveil the truth behind her father's tragic death.