Digimon Fusion, known in Japan as Digimon Xros Wars and in Malaysia as Digimon Fusion Battles, is the sixth anime children television series in the Digimon franchise by Akiyoshi Hongō, produced by Toei Animation. It follows a boy named Taiki Kudō who utilizes the power of joining together Digimon in order to save the Digital World. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation between July 6, 2010 and March 25, 2012, divided into three seasons, titled Xros Wars, The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms, and The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time respectively.
The series has been licensed outside of Asia by Saban Brands and is internationally by MarVista Entertainment. An English-language version, produced by Saban, began airing in North America on Nickelodeon from September 7, 2013, and later on The CW's Vortexx programming block. An alternate English-language version began airing on Disney XD in Malaysia from December 8, 2012.
Easter intentionally attends a university in the north of Thailand. He hopes to find a new place to erase the memories of his ex-relationship, which ended unclearly. But who thinks that he will meet with Hill, his ex-relationship, again at this university? And it is the beginning of a relationship that will not end in the same way ever. At the same time, his roommate, North, also faces chaos because he was drunk and caused a quarrel, then woke up with the debt. But it could be more chaotic because the god just sent him a flirtatious and very spoiled creditor, Johan.
KakaoTV's original entertainment show Learn Way is a project that captures (G)I-dle's Song Yuqi process of being reborn as an 'all-rounder' by meeting with expert mentors in various fields. She is a self-proclaimed center, and visual who can dance and sing, and quickly becomes friends with anyone. In Learn Way, Yuqi will show mentors through special chemistry across ages, genres, and borders with her unique affinity. In particular, she plans to show off her cute speech and an unusually lively charm and unfolds an entertainment cheeky level. As an idol member, she will learn various fields that she has not tried, and will provide not only unpredictable laughter but also the reward of learning and growth
Follow four college roommates as they arrive at New England’s prestigious Essex College. A bundle of contradictions and hormones, these girls are equal parts lovable and infuriating as they live out their new, free lives on campus.
Zoop was an award-winning Dutch youth-oriented TV soap opera about eight young adults working in the Ouwehands Dierenpark zoo in Rhenen. The series was sold to Brazil, France, India and Sweden.
The series has had three seasons since 2004, all on the Dutch Nickelodeon channel. The series also spawned three spinoff films. Episodes continued to be broadcast up until 2013. Director Johan Nijenhuis has said that there will be no more episodes or movies produced.
Seoyoung cuts off her cable with her incompetent and troublesome father, trying to get out of her misery. Family is tied not only by blood but also by love.
Surfside 6 was an ABC television series which aired from 1960 to 1962. The show centered on a Miami Beach detective agency set on a houseboat and featured Troy Donahue as Sandy Winfield II; Van Williams as Kenny Madison; and Lee Patterson as Dave Thorne. Diane McBain co-starred as socialite Daphne Dutton, whose yacht was berthed next to their houseboat. Margarita Sierra also had a supporting role as Cha Cha O'Brien, an entertainer who worked at The Boom Boom Room, a popular Miami Beach hangout at the Fontainebleau Hotel, directly across the street from Surfside 6. Surfside 6 was in fact a real address in Miami Beach, where an unrelated houseboat was moored at the time; it can also be seen in the sweeping aerial establishing shot of the Fontainebleu in 1964's Goldfinger.
Güldür Güldür Show, which has won the admiration of everyone with its legendary cast, continues to bring a new approach to many topics from family to love, fame to technology, football to friendship with its unique sense of humour.
Grandmaster Ip Man was born in a time of turbulence. He spends his life chasing after the realm of martial arts. His upbringing and experiences would transform him into a legend. From Foshan to Guangzhou to Hong Kong, he meets, one-by-one, the people who will have the most influence on his life, including a revolutionist, his first teacher, and his Wing Chun master.
A mother desperate for the disappearance of her son and facing the ineffectiveness of justice to find him, decides to take the reins of the case with his own hands and goes to the mysterious town where his son was last seen.
A group of working-class friends finding unconventional ways to win at life in suburban northern England. These lads have dealt, scammed, bribed and conned their way through adolescence, but now, their dealing and stealing is catching up with them and a whole load of trouble is heading their way.
Grade-schooler Jason meets a Mecanimal, a transforming minicar from the alternate world of Triforce, named Evan. Jason and Evan are both searching for missing family members, and team up to help each other. Together, they meet more Mecanimals as they battle across dimensions and learn important lessons along the way.
An act of sabotage has sent a space station plummeting towards a dangerous phenomena known as the Sea of Geduld. With only hours to spare before the collapse of the entire station, a group of teens, training on-board the ship will seek safety aboard the Ryvius, an interstellar spacecraft hidden deep inside the station. With the adult crew and instructors dead, these young astronauts must rely on their training, courage and most importantly each other to prepare for the journey home.
CLUELESS is a television series spun off from the 1995 teen film of the same name. The series originally premiered on ABC on September 20, 1996 as a part of the TGIF lineup during its first season. The show then spent its last two seasons on UPN ending on May 25, 1999.