From Kotaro Ishidate, tthe creator of some popular ad-lib animes such as Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono and gdgd Fairies. This new anime centers on five girls and one cat all living as housemates in Nakano, Tokyo: the three Himote sisters (Tokiyo, Kinami, and Kokoro) whose family manages the "Himote House," Kokoro's classmates Tae and Minamo, and the cat Enishi. The girls live their daily lives trying to figure out ways to be popular, and they (and the cat) all possess a mysterious secret power...
Best Ed is a Canadian animated television series created by Rick Marshall. The series premiered in 2008 on Teletoon. The series chronicles the adventures of an overly helpful and enthusiastic dog named Ed and his best friend, Doug the squirrel, whom everyone calls "Buddy" because Ed refers to him as best buddy. They live in their fictional hometown of Swellville. Best Ed is produced by 9 Story Entertainment and animated using Adobe Flash software.
Based on the Mattel's party game, two teams of three players will compete against each other, trying to guess the correct word or phrase represented by the drawings of their fellow teammates.
de'Rainbow gang consists of five neighbors who are friends because their respective mothers are best friends, so they grew up and played together. Indra is the only guy who goes to a different school and can cook, Chacha is a beautiful and sporty girl who is the leader of the gang, Beby is a sassy girl who likes fashion, Tasya is a feminine girl who lives simply, while Helen is a smart girl who loves to read books and often make all the decisions.
In 1940s Egypt, a princess trying to prove her innocence after being accused of killing her husband receives help from his brother, which leads to them falling in love.
Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away...or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is yes, then you need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
The show focuses on the emotional journey of Manav, a simple, loving and devoted husband of Akanksha and a doting father of a 6-year-old, Yatharth. Manav and Akanksha have different points of view on principles and ambition. What will happen when the successful Vaibhav Kapoor enters their lives?
This drama tells the story of a con man, who gets involved with unexpected incidents, marries a police officer and somehow ends up running to become a member of the National Assembly.
Haru Chitose, Eri Kumagai, Sarasa Ryuuouh, Kiri Mukae, Uori Mukae, Sasame Mitsukuri, Miku Nishio, Hiyo Yukino, Shupe Gushiken, Kotoko Kintoki, and Roro Morooka are the eleven members of "Music Girls," an idol group produced by Pine Records. However, they're a third-rate idol group that can't seem to sell CDs at all. But even though they're obscure and constantly in debt, the members and their producer, Ikehashi, are all trying their hardest. Ikehashi gets the idea that Music Girls needs a new member—an idol who can light a fire under them so that they can grasp success!
Min Tae Yeon isn't your typical vampire or your typical prosecutor. Rather than drinking blood from innocent strangers, he opts for blood sold on the black market in the posh bars of Seoul. He also has the uncanny ability to tell where the victim of his cases died, and how they died based on their blood's smell and taste. The only person who knows of his secret ability is Detective Hwang Soon Bum. They end up working together in a new joint department between police and prosecutors solving murder cases. They are joined by rookie prosecutor Yoo Jung In, and intern Cho Dong Man. Together, they solve murder cases, and Tae Yeon must use his "powers" to find leads on seemingly unsolvable cases. The one mystery he can't solve is: who was the vampire/serial killer that changed him seven years ago?
Nick is a mechanic who lives in Tooley Town with his dog Spanner and his other fantastic friends, No matter how big the job, Nick is always happy to help.
When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.
Hyakkimaru is a young man who lacks 48 body parts because they were taken from him by demons before birth, as payment by his father, Kagemitsu Daigo, to obtain his wish to take over the country. When the baby boy was born he was missing 48 parts of his body, and thus was abandoned—thrown into a river. Hyakkimaru has grown up and now has obtained fake body parts so he can eliminate the 48 demons that were made from his body, and to retrieve his missing parts. Along for the adventure is the boy thief, Dororo, with whom he becomes friends.