Dorm Life is a mockumentary web series created by former students of UCLA. It follows the fictional lives of the inhabitants of the college dorm floor 5 South. It is produced by Attention Span Media, a Los Angeles based social media studio and is a 2008 Webby Honoree for Best Writing and Comedy: Individual Short or Episode. Dorm Life is also Hulu's most watched web show.
After a successful first season, Dorm Life returned for a second season with sponsor Carl's Jr..
Set against the backdrop of the return of Macau's sovereignty to China is a realistic retelling of the lives of one family on Macau's old street running the Liang Kee Bakery.
Fireball is a series of CGI anime shorts created by Jinni's Animation Studios in conjunction with Disney. The designer is Hitoshi Fukuchi. It is animated entirely in 3D with no cel-shading of any sort, as would be typical for the medium.
The show takes place in the distant future of the 49th millennium, and revolves around the happenings inside a giant manor inhabited by two robots; the gynoid duchess Drossel von Flügel and her massive cyclopian arachnoid servant, Gedächtnis. The episodes are usually nonsensical in nature, normally showing the two characters making idle conversation in the midst of a war with humanity. A third character, a monkey-robot named "Schadenfreude", joins them later.
No Good Either Way is a Hong Kong television comedy-drama serial produced by TVB under executive producer Amy Wong. The first episode premiered on 11 June 2012.
The drama depicts the lives of office employees in Hong Kong working for their overbearing and abusive bosses.
A man returns to the land where he was born and lived, to the land that was his but no longer belongs to him. He smells the soil, feels it fertile and heavy in his fingers, just like years ago, when a kidnapping cut the thread of his life in two and showed him its wild side, depriving him of family and property, forcing him to hide behind a new identity. Aris fights and survives but never forgets what he was deprived of. The dramatic daily series "Wild Land"...
"Shopping Queen" is a styling documentary in which five women compete against each other on five consecutive days each week to become the woman with the best style and the best sense of fashion.
Follow Gu Zi Chen, the rebellious son of a wealthy family, and Su Nian Nian, the competitive student who has to adjust to a school that she never wanted. Because of an accidental meeting, the two start a relationship of constant bickering and eventually fall in love.
The adventures of a witless boy who finds a time machine hidden in a cave near his house. The 5 minutes episodes aired during the morning television show "Ohayo Kodomo"
Trackdown is an American Western television series starring Robert Culp that aired on CBS between 1957 and 1959. More than seventy episodes of this series were produced by Dick Powell's Four Star Television and filmed at the Desilu-Culver Studio. The series was itself a spin-off of Powell's anthology series, Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater.
Dino Adventure Jurassic Tripper is the title of a 1995 anime series consisting of 39 25-minute episodes. It is a loosely-based literary adaptation on the novel Deux Ans De Vacances by French author Jules Verne.
In one of the slums, a group of intertwined stories revolve around residents whose movement may extend outside this neighborhood due to work or study, and their fates intersect with the paths of some characters from other neighborhoods of the city.
Rock, Paper and Scissors are best friends and roommates who compete over everything, but it’s (mostly) all love. They each bring something different to the friendship - Rock is the moral compass, Paper is the practical one, and Scissors is the right amount of chaos. Together, they get into the wildest adventures.
The story of a man in a car accident who almost died. This accident caused his life to change completely. Many ghosts began to haunt him for 7 days; one of them was Nusara, his bride.