Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...
Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Sehrazat, a young widow who is financially unable to treat her terminally ill young son, is forced to address to her charming boss, asking for help. The proposal by her boss changes her life forever.
For over a century, the mysterious Hellsing Organization has been secretly protecting the British Empire from the undead. When Sir Integra Hellsing succeeded as the head of the organization, she also inherited the ultimate weapon against these supernatural enemies: Alucard, a rogue vampire possessing mysterious and frightening powers. Now, Hellsing must deal with a more dangerous threat than vampires.
Kill Me Baby is the touching story of Yasuna, a normal (?) high school girl, and Sonya, her best friend who happens to be an assassin. Unfortunately, little Sonya's trained assassin instincts often work against her and others in her daily high school life, as Yasuna's often-broken wrist can attest to. She just wanted a hug, but she ended up with a broken neck. Isn't it sad? No, it's hilarious.
The series follows the fierce clash between the corrupt Helmy Askar and his rival Mansour Al-Maghazy who is determined to unravel Helmy's foul deeds, even if he gets imprisoned for it.
Ren Guang-xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business and is a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter and motivation. That is until he meets Liang Mu-cheng, the new bento seller at his school canteen. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang-xi slowly changes as Mu-cheng teaches him how to give and love. Tragedy strikes when Guang-xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory.
Kei Katsuragi's only concern is the love of his life. It doesn't really matter to him that he has more than one love - after all, as a pilot for the Freedom Space Corps, he might be dead tomorrow! In the future, war has changed, and Kei is all too familiar with the horrors it can bring. Atomic, biological, and chemical weapons are all in use, but even worse than those are the dimensional weapons, ordnance capable of tearing apart even time and space!
In this new era, Catalina, now head of the DEA in Colombia, has a new challenge: to track down a criminal organization that is trafficking a new synthetic drug. What she ignores is that her daughter is part of the Cartel that traffics them and that Yésica, her worst enemy, is infiltrated in the DEA.
The story revolves around four teens - the good-looking twins Asaba Yuuta and Yuuki, the effeminate Matsuoka Shun, and the class head Tsukahara Kaname - who have known each other since early childhood. While they are not necessarily good or bad friends, they continue to hang out well into high school. The half-Japanese transfer student Tachibana Chizuru joins the circle of friends in this comedy about the everyday life of adolescence.
Takao Taniguchi was the captain & pitcher of his junior high school's baseball team, but after suffering a fractured finger during a game Takao enters Sumitani High School as a fan and not a player. Even though Takao joins the soccer team and shows potential, he still has a great love for baseball and still umpires games in secret until his coach hears of this and gets angered, forcing Takao to leave the team. At the recommendation of the soccer team captain, Takao joins the Sumitani baseball team... Unfortunately, the team is notorious for losing big games due to their inexperience.
In 2018, humans and wizards live together in Tokyo. Police continue to protect order in society, but wizards are tried according to magical law, in special courts defended by wizard barristers. At age seventeen, Cecile has just become the youngest wizard barrister, and begins work at the Butterfly Law Offices. While she hasn’t realized it yet, she has tremendous magical potential.
A diminutive pink creature orbiting in space named “Kirby” crash lands into Dream Land. Once getting acquainted with the citizens who live there in Cappy Town, he begins to defend the town from the monsters that King Dedede, the self-proclaimed ruler of Cappy Town, orders from the evil Nightmare Enterprises.
Sergeant Cork is a British detective television series which first aired between 1963 and 1968 on ITV. It was a police procedural show that followed the efforts of two police officers and their battle against crime in Victorian London. In all 66 hour-long episodes were aired during the five-year run, although the last episode was not broadcast until January 1968, 16 months after the others. Journalist Tom Sutcliffe has credited it as a first example of the use of the Victorian-era policeman in a television crime series.
A 1969 review in The Age opined that rather than suspense, the strengths of the series were its "excellent period settings and wonderfully thick pea-soupers" which "add up to splendid evocative stuff", as well as the performance of star John Barrie.
At no time during the whole series is Sergeant Cork's first name given.
Budgie is a popular British television series starring former popstar Adam Faith which was produced by ITV company London Weekend Television and broadcast on the ITV network between 1971 and 1972.
The series was created by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall . The show was produced by Verity Lambert, Rex Firkin was the Executive producer.
Thirty years ago, in the sleepy community of Waterbury, a killer known as “The Executioner” murdered Sarah Bennett's parents. Now Sarah and her husband Dylan have returned to town, only to find herself the centerpiece in a series of horrifying murders centered around the seven deadly sins.