The show is inspired by the famous humorous column 'Duniya Ne Undha Chasma' written by the eminent Gujarati writer Mr. Tarak Mehta. This story evolves around happenings in "Gokuldham Co-operative Society" and covers topical issues which are socially relevant.
Benidorm Fest is a song festival organized in Spain by the public communication company Radiotelevisión Española in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana. The winner of Benidorm Fest will represent Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Sam Gooris, wife Kelly Pfaff and his children Kenji and Shania settle on board a Volkswagen van with which they tour Europe. They stop at several iconic places that have a lot of meaning for him or the family.
Twenty-two of the most iconic, boldest, and fiercest Challenge All Stars from the original The Real World and Road Rules return for a second chance at the ultimate competition as they vie for their shot at the $500,000 grand prize. Follow the competitors as they face unprecedented, over-the-top challenges set in the Andes Mountains of Argentina.
Narrated by Keith David, “Cold Case Files: Murder In the Bayou” features stories that the swamp threatened to swallow forever, but detectives managed to drag out into the light. These investigators, family, and friends know that no matter how deep in the muck it’s buried, no sin stays secret forever.
Sgt Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa Police Department Gang Unit brings viewers an honest and complete look at an officer's POV during some of their craziest chases, standoff's and interactions across the country.
This documentary series follows emergency services from various fire stations in the Ruhr area up close and portrays the people in their grueling everyday working life.
Alex, a single dad, hires Sam as a live-in teacher for his daughter, but Sam’s presence stirs unexpected changes. Is Sam just a nanny or something more?