Solo Comedy is the first single-player comedy competition program in China, focusing on "one-person comedy battle." The program focuses on young comedians confined to offline theaters, connects with 30+ offline comedy labels in China and opens public recruitment channels to jointly build a stage for single-player comedy performance qualifying. The program will search for the strongest personal comedy IP of the year through competition and ranking in four major segments. In the end, the top 6 players will form the country's first new single-player comedy label-C6.
Documentary series following 14-year old Thibau Nys, son of cyclo-cross legend Sven Nys, as he starts his career as a cyclist. Can he follow in the footsteps of his father?
In a fantastical and magical undersea world, where a team of Mermicorno (enchanting half-Unicorno/half-fish creatures) join together to save the ocean from the threat of the evil Ika Inkblot.
Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin harness their world-renowned organizational expertise to thoughtfully design and specifically tailor and transform homes from the inside out. Assisting them is a team of builders and contractors from homebuilder Taylor Morrison who expertly reconfigures the homes based on each family's lifestyle and needs.
Generation Z's "New" Social Life – Stepping into Society from 0 to 1. They will live in a "Live (V.) House" and experience a year of 52 weeks of co-living. In this house, they will face the survival challenges that everyone encounters on the road to adulthood, while also experiencing absurd and bizarre stories that unfold nonstop. Amidst chaotic, laugh-out-loud daily routines, this series authentically portrays the everyday lives of young people, gradually revealing the ultimate secrets to becoming an "adult."
Docuseries based on the podcast of the same name. The story of Amanda Riley — a wife, mother, blogger and Christian — whose tragic cancer tale captivates thousands. But Amanda has a secret that she's dying to keep, and after an anonymous tip to an investigative reporter, her own words may prove to be her downfall.
Fugitive Hunters Mexico" follows an undercover unit as they investigate, track and capture American fugitives who have crossed the border to evade justice. With intel from the FBI, DEA, US Marshals and Mexican authorities, this taskforce locates and apprehends US fugitives hiding out in Mexico to hand them over to law enforcement in the US to face justice for their crimes.
This adrenaline-packed series delivers raw, unfiltered access into the world of sheriffs and police departments across the United States as they serve and protect at all costs. From drug busts to routine traffic stops, you never know what to expect, but these officers are ready 24/7 to keep their communities safe.