Fugitive Hunters Mexico" follows an undercover unit as they investigate, track and capture American fugitives who have crossed the border to evade justice. With intel from the FBI, DEA, US Marshals and Mexican authorities, this taskforce locates and apprehends US fugitives hiding out in Mexico to hand them over to law enforcement in the US to face justice for their crimes.
Dr Karl lifts the lid on how some of Australia's best loved products are made, stepping behind factory lines to uncover the intricate workings of some of our most productive manufacturing plants.
Anything is an interview show where folks ask me their most burning questions and I do my best to answer them while learning a bit about each other in the process.
Host Tony Armstrong - with the help of scientists, land carers, an artist and a chef - will attempt to turn our unwanted ecological trash into desirable culinary gold, in a provocative attempt to Eat the Invaders.
The Bachelor is a Croatian reality television show that began airing on RTL in 2018. The show is based on the American reality series of the same name.
The stark transformation of 1990s Sweden from peaceful to perilous as it follows the ascent of Radovan "Jakov" Jakovic from rags to criminal riches and Gunn Philak, the lone cop who sees the looming mafia menace in cigarette smuggling's shadow.
A funny and heartwarming glimpse into the hilarious life of the infamous comedian as he relocates from Los Angeles to a simpler life on his new remote farm. But farm life isn't easy. Tom scrambles to repair his century-old barns, build fences, install a chicken coop and take ownership of a variety of livestock! Has Tom Green finally bitten off more than he can chew?