The series follows Ceylan, a child bride who dedicates all her love to her son Yusuf, rising from the ashes and taking the male-dominated criminal world by storm.
15-year-old Qian Jiayue enters a prestigious high school and faces academic challenges while navigating friendships and family dynamics. As she bonds with her new friend Chen Mo, both girls grow through their shared experiences. Meanwhile, their families grapple with life changes and generational conflicts, but the warmth of family and community support remains unchanged.
The series tells how a hunter who thinks that he will not go down from the peaks falls prey to his prey, and how an unhappy woman who has convinced herself that she will not be loved becomes a hunter in her tragic life.
Everybody is well into the apps, socials, videos, streams and games. All those online tools often seem to be free, but aren't. You not only pay with money, but also with data. How does that actually work? What happens with that data? Jard Struik investigates this.
Two Ways with Erica Mena is an upcoming dating reality show starring Erica Mena, known for her appearances on "Love & Hip Hop." The series is set to premiere in early 2025 on The Zeus Network.