U to U

U to U


U to U, sometimes labeled as U-2-U, is a weekly Nickelodeon television series that aired from 1994 to 1996. The show focused on displaying viewer-submitted work and ideas in their "Straight From U" segment where viewers were able to submit their work via mail, e-mail, fax, or telephone. The show included short stories and comic strips written by viewers that were turned into animated shorts, and songs that were written and made into music videos. The interaction of series allowed viewers to play games over the phone, ask questions to celebrities, meet pen pals from other countries, and read letters aloud. The show also featured an online presence in the Prodigy Internet service where viewers could create and send content for show consideration as well as participate in bulletin board conversations.

Where to Watch U to U Online

No streaming options found for U to U at this moment.

U to U Trailer

U to U Seasons

U to U Episodes

Title Air Date Duration
Season 1Episode 1Episode 160 min
Season 1Episode 2Episode 260 min
