Centuries after the events of Saga Brave, a third race called the Mauve has emerged alongside Humans and Mazoku. Identified by their purple blood and immense intelligence, the Mauve are shunned by the other two races and are viewed as a threat to the peace of the world. Having experienced this prejudice first-hand, a teenage Mauve named Galette Revolt journeys forth to find a way for all races to understand each other by playing Battle Spirits. However, other factions from each race aim to maintain the peace/reform the world through more nefarious ways...
Writing | Atsuhiro Tomioka | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Asako Inayoshi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Shimpei Nagashima | CGI Director |
Sound | Sadayoshi Fujino | Sound Director |
Art | Kouji Mayo | Settings |
Sound | Eishi Segawa | Music |
Sound | Nami Tamaki | Theme Song Performance |
Crew | Yoko Maemura | Special Effects |
Visual Effects | Motoki Tomita | 3D Animator |
Visual Effects | Ryouta Takahashi | 3D Animator |
Production | Masayoshi Morita | Producer |
Visual Effects | Shion Tsumura | 3D Animator |
Visual Effects | Akiko Shibata | Color Designer |
Art | Ryo Hirata | Prop Designer |
Art | Daisuke Umino | Title Designer |
Visual Effects | Tomoshige Inayoshi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Issei Kubota | 3D Animator |
Visual Effects | Yusuke Kumano | 3D Animator |
Editing | Mayumi Komori | Editor |
Production | Masayuki Ozaki | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Satoshi Nishimura | Mechanical Designer |
Camera | Toshiyuki Sadamatsu | Director of Photography |
Sound | Mitsuru Kageyama | Sound Effects |
Visual Effects | Shigeaki Akashi | 3D Animator |
Crew | Atsuhiro Tomioka | Script |
Art | Norifumi Nakamura | Art Direction |
Editing | Ayuka Suzuki | Online Editor |
Editing | Naoki Watanabe | Editor |