Combat Mecha Xabungle, infrequently called Blue Gale Xabungle, is a mecha anime television series by Sunrise, and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was broadcast on the Nagoya TV and TV Asahi networks at 5:30 PM each Saturday from February 6, 1982 through January 29, 1983. Promotional toys were produced by Clover. It also had a compilation movie called Xabungle Graffiti, which added a few minutes and a whole-new ending to the series.
Sound | Michihiro Itou | Sound Effects |
Art | Shigemi Ikeda | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Tomonori Kogawa | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Yutaka Izubuchi | Mechanical Designer |
Sound | Sadayoshi Fujino | Sound Director |
Editing | Yumiko Fuse | Editor |
Sound | Koji Makaino | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | Tomonori Kogawa | Supervising Animation Director |
Editing | Kazuo Inoue | Editor |
Visual Effects | Kunio Okawara | Mechanical Designer |
Visual Effects | Norimichi Yoshino | Color Designer |
Camera | Akio Saito | Director of Photography |
Sound | Akira Kushida | Theme Song Performance |
Writing | Yoshiyuki Tomino | Original Story |
Directing | Yoshiyuki Tomino | Director |
Writing | Yoshitake Suzuki | Original Story |