In a futuristic world where humans inhabit both the Earth and the Moon, a young man from Earth enlists in the army to attack rebels on the Moon, only to find that his former best friend has become his enemy.
Writing | Tow Ubukata | Original Story |
Visual Effects | Hiromu Arakawa | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Ayumi Yamada | Character Designer |
Sound | Ryo Kawasaki | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Masashi Koizuka | Series Director |
Editing | Aya Hida | Editor |
Visual Effects | Takaaki Chiba | Lead Animator |
Visual Effects | Taisei Kudo | Lead Animator |
Art | Kazushi Fujii | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Takuma Ebisu | Mechanical Designer |
Art | Satoshi Takabatake | Prop Designer |
Visual Effects | Satoshi Hashimoto | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Shigenori Hirozumi | 3D Director |
Camera | Koji Tanaka | Director of Photography |
Sound | Masafumi Mima | Sound Director |
Sound | Hiromune Kurahashi | Sound Effects |